Missing Memory

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My body slowly started to recognize the living world again as my senses slowly woke me. The smell of the clean cotton benches mixed with chocolate and candy from the cart that continuously travels back and forth. The sound of a piercing whistle mixed with the soft breathing that sat besides my ear. The sensations around me, I could feel his warm chest slowly move up and down under my resting hand. I started to move my head off of his shoulder but doing so caused him to turn to face me. Oliver's breath brushed against the side of my face as his hand threaded through my hair telling me it's ok to rest on his shoulder a second more.

"Ollie that's the whistl-"

"Shhh don't fret." His hand rested on mine, our fingers intertwined. The booming of his heart seeped through his chest only causing my lips to curl into a smile, how cute. "Alright looks like they fini-" Footsteps stopped outside the door of the cart, whoever it is, it's caused Oliver's heart to freeze.

Slowly I opened my eyes and smiled looking out the window at the sight of Hogwarts close in the distance with the sun glowing beautifully behind it.

"Hmph...it's all clear, you two can go get settled now." My pupils shrunk and my heart plummeted as soon as his dark brooding voice echo into my ears. My neck practically snapped as I whipped my head making eye contact with those gorgeous black eyes.

My stutter engulfed me, "Uh, oh uh right uh thank you Profes-"

"Y/n weren't you wanting to speak to Professor Snape." My eyes slowly drifted to look up at Ollie as he stood up pulling down both of our trunks.

"Oliver it's fine, I can ask him lat-"

"I insist, you wouldn't want to leave him curious now would you?" Is Oliver for real? I mean is he trying to play a joke, does he even know what he's saying? Before I could question him he slipped past Snape and disappeared into the distance.

Snape looked up and down the corridor before stepping into the cart and closing the door as well as any window in sight with a flick of his wrist. His dark gaze stared directly into mine, "Wood?"

"Hm? What?"

His chest expanded as he took a deep breath looking away for a second to compress his anger, "Wood is the one you're quote on quote dating?"

"OHH shit I forgot about that...yes Professor." Severus slightly furrowed his brows trying his hardest to conceal his jealousy.

"Out of everyone...the one who's been trying to catch your heart for years."

"I knew you'd get jealous but not this soon." He went to take yet another deep breath and I watched as his long dark glossy hair draped over his face. Slowly I walked up to him and tucked his hair back moving my sight from his eyes down his nose and stopping at his soft lips. My body started to move close to his but his head turned away with his hand blocking my lips from his.


My heart plummeted, "I...I'm sorry."

The dark abyss that made up his eyes quickly looked back at me full of concern, "Where were you?" His right hand quickly grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve checking for any marks, "You didn't come back that night." Finding nothing there he moved his glance to around my neck and gained a look of fear as his hand clenched my wrists, "You have no idea how worried I was! Then I get a terribly vague letter and..." Slowly he dropped my wrist and scanned my face, "You haven't been eating...was it by choice or did that bas-"

"Choice..." Severus looked puzzled and his warm hands cupped my face. At that moment tears began to drip down my face as I relaxed, dropping the shield that surrounded my mind. I felt my body get drawn into my own mind for the first time and the nausea as I was forced into my own memory. "Severus what..."

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now