First Day

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The next morning I woke up an hour before breakfast was to be served, I felt very uncomfortable. I quickly kicked my blanket off and groaned as I realized my period bled through. I stood up quickly changing my clothes and wrapped a sweater around my waist as I made my way out of my common room and to my head of house. Right as I made it to his door I banged on it twice as loud as possible. It quickly opened and he looked down at me annoyed.

"Ms. Celeste, what could possibly cause you to come here this early." I looked up at him and crossed my arms.

"I need a tampon." He heavily sighed as he went back into the room and came out with one.

"Here. Will you ever remember to bring your own or are you too forgetful and dimwitted to do so." I took it from him aggressively and began to walk away.

"Don't worry Professor my period ends tonight, won't have to talk to your ugly face directly for another month." I heard his door slam shut and I stopped by my common room before heading up for breakfast.


The Great Hall was loud and rambunctious, seeing people talk with others in their own houses made me sick, everyone in Slytherin hates me. I sat down and Snape handed, no, threw my schedule down in front of me. I ticked my jaw to the side and decided I wasn't hungry anymore as I got up and left the room to look at my schedule in peace.

My first period was Charms and after I had a free period but, "What the actual fuck...double potions today!" My two boys came around the corner and Cedric started to laugh as he heard me groan.

"Good luck with that, it's your own fault for wanting to become an Auror." I stuck my tongue out at him and Wood smiled as he showed our schedules were the same except he didn't have a free period.

"I guess we'll be confused in these classes together huh?"

"Uh huh..."

My day went by fast as I sat through charms then chilled in the library but the moment I entered the dungeons time slowed down. Not caring much for seeing Snape I decided to be late and Oliver went on without me. The doors loudly creaked as I pushed them open, making my grand entrance then I took my seat.

"Ms. Celeste, is there any reason why you decided to enter my class late?"

"Hm yeah, I didn't want to hear you drag on about potion safety for the seventh year in a row." He slowly walked over to me, his cloak floating behind him. The class was quiet and I felt my life fade knowing I should've kept my mouth shut.

"I don't know what has taken over you this year but 10 points from Slytherin and stay after class for being disrespectful." He turned around and I lifted both of my middle fingers pointing them at him in rage. Oliver quickly pulled my arms down and I sat looking at the ceiling for the rest of the class. Finally we were dismissed and I quickly got up and tried to hide in the crowd of students.

"Ms. Celeste." I froze and clenched my fist before turning around and trudging over to his desk. "Now then this new attitude of yours is very annoying, I want it to stop before you get into some serious trouble. I'd rather not expel you."

I looked at him confused, this can't be Snape? "Huh I would think you'd love to expel me." He slowly put his quill down and stood up.

"No matter how much I loathe all of my students, expulsion takes time filling out paperwork."

"It makes no sense, you saw me with a professor last year, you were so close to expelling me but something stopped you. I waited for it to happen just to add on to the bad stuff but nope. You were the key to my freedom, did you like seeing me suffer! If you did well then FUCK YOU!" Tears invaded my eyes and he just stood there straight faced. I don't know where that came from but for some reason I needed to bring that up.

"I think you deserve a month's detention for using that foul language at a Professor, twice in one day." I stepped back, twice? Did he see me flip him off? I chuckled to myself before storming out.


I skipped hanging out with my friends and just went straight to my dorm. I pulled out a travel size cauldron and my advanced potions book. I spent hours working on it, even skipping dinner. When I finally finished it I looked at the clock and put some in a vial before leaving for my first detention of the year. I knocked on his classroom door and he opened it quickly, I could've sworn I saw a hint of worry in his face.

"You weren't at dinner." He turned around and made his way to his desk.

"No, I was too busy making this to give to you." I held out the small vial and he turned to look at it before sitting down.

"Veritaserum, I'm not a bloody idiot." He picked up his quill and began to write.

"Not scared are you, professor?" The scribbling stopped and he held a hand out. I didn't think that would work but I smiled and quickly gave it to him, I do need an answer. He opened the cork and quickly drank it. He looked up with one eyebrow raised, waiting for my questions.

"Why didn't you expel me?"

He couldn't even look me in the eyes, "I saw the way he was touching you...and how you were pleading for him to stop, tears in your were in so much pain I didn't want to make it worse."

"How'd you even know he was treating me like that."

He struggled trying not answer this one, "I read your mind when you left after dinner that night, you looked so uncomfortable...he was gonna get fired a few days after but then the whole chamber incident happened." Holy shit Snape has a heart, he actually cares for people. "Yes I do..." His eyes slightly widened before looking back to the side.

"How often do you read my mind?" Now I'm just freaked out.

"Too often...your head is an utter mess." My eyes then widened, yesterday he was... "Yes I heard you admiring stupid Lupin."

Without hesitation I smiled and asked, "Who's your favorite student? Why are you lenient towards me?"

He stood up and leaned down to me, he was annoyed, but I wasn't scared for once. Knowing he somewhat cares has made me loathe him less. "Now that your silly potion has worn off, leave." I looked at him, disappointed I wasn't able to learn more about it and left without a second more. 

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now