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Later that night after the day went by really slowly I waited once again till everyone was absolutely in bed. Eagerly I jumped out of my covers and made my way over to the closet's hidden fireplace. I squealed a bit as I thought about what events were waiting for me once I traveled through.

"Oh where is that powder he's probably becoming anxio-" I froze as I realized there was no jar on the shelf. "Shit..." I kicked around the floor and there was nothing but shoes, that fucker stole it.

My hand started to shake out of frustration but stopped when my wand appeared in the corner of my eye. The cheekiest smile clawed onto my face, "I can apparate you son of a bitch." I chuckled, then swiftly went to the nightstand and picked up my wand, flicking it immediately. "Uhhhhh aparate...lumos...anything?!" I squinted down at the thin piece of wood in my hand and snapped it in half. The wand disintegrated immediately, quickly falling to the ground as a pile of dust. My face started to burn red to a boil as small screeches exited my mouth between deep breaths. He really is such an ass!


The next few days went by rather slowly with no response from Severus and no way to go visit him to ensure he knew that letter was just a way to make sure Lucius was convinced. Today however is Christmas and after opening gifts Lucius is allowing Draco and I to return to Hogwarts early. Well I had a ton of convincing to do but since I've been such a good daughter he's decided I'll be a good enough example for the Malfoy family.

"Y/n close your eyes as we unveil this one." I looked at mom puzzled but did as she asked, waiting patiently for her to say, "It's all set open your eyes." Carefully I opened them and looked at her still confused, what I was supposed to see?

Draco then walked over and tilted my head up so I could see above the fireplace. The family portrait of three that hung there when I arrived was now replaced by one of all four of us together. I chuckled as I could hear one thing replay as I looked up at it.

Lucius kept looking down at me and harshly whispered, "Stop smiling!" Every time the painters quill would go to paint the picture. It's not my fault people usually smile in these things.

"Oh wow I love it Mother." I reached over and embraced her which was interrupted by Lucius wanting attention.

"Ahem, I also helped."

"Of course you did, thank you Father. It turned out great." Draco was then seated by a pile of around roughly thirty maybe forty gifts while Lucius sat me in front of one box and a letter...

"I'm sorry darling, forgive us, it was such short notice."

"Narcissa I'm sure Y/n understands." I looked at the two of them and smiled warmly.

"Of course, I completely understand." I noticed the envelope had a Hogwarts seal so carefully I set it to the side before reaching to grab the medium sized box. It's light, whatever it is it can't be something too expensive. Slowly I peeled one corner at a time then pulled the top which slowly popped off with how tight it was. I looked down into the box and froze at the sight of a tiny green and silver blanket that has the initials V.M. hand sew into the corner.

Mother smiled with a sniffle following, "It was your baby blanket...I couldn't think of anything that you'd like so I figured why not give you something special." I carefully took it out of the box as if it was fragile, not even breathing on it.

"Oh it's lovely, thank you so much...but what does the initials stand for?"

Lucius took a deep breath, "Venus Malfoy, named after the brightest object in the sky also if you know Roman gods, the goddess of beauty. It's what we would've named you if-"

I interrupted him as I began to feel uncomfortable with the fact he was being...well...emotional, "I get it you knew I was a girl the whole time?"

Mothers smile grew, "Of course, I had a nursery and everything prepared for when our little girl was to come home know accidents happen." I looked at Lucius and noticed he had a look of warning, he never told her the truth...

"Of course...well I have no middle name so I could make it Venus so that part of me sticks." I watched as Narcissa's eyes glow with tears lining the bottom of her eyelids.

"Oh that would be wonderful Y/n. Lucius isn't that the best gift ever given."

Lucius took a moment before letting a smile curl in the corner of his mouth, "Absolutely a breathtaking gift, thank you Y/n."

Draco was now on his fifth gift and he just tossed it to the side, "Broom wax? Are you serious, what a pathetic gift." I looked at him and rolled my eyes as Lucius and Narcissa carefully tried to be stern with him. My hand glided over the letter as I sat back which reminded me that it was even there in the first place. Carefully I tore the perfect seal and took out the letter immediately recognizing Severus's curvy handwriting. My body lurched, completely relieved he sent a letter but sunk quickly noticing the short paragraph...

    Dear Y/n,

Thank you for the letter. I'm deeply sorry for starting everything that made you feel stressed and pressured. I hope your Christmas goes well.


Slowly my hand glided down, putting the letter down onto the floor as tears struggled to stay cradled in my eye lids. H-he...why is his response so short, does he think I was being truthful? It's ok...I'll fix whatever thoughts he may have conjured today when I get back. Unless he's been waiting for something like this to happen and is actually able to let go of everything easily.

The gentle voice of my mother broke my trance, "Y/n you alright?"

"Um...yeah I'm fine. Can I be excused to my room?" Narcissa and Lucius made eye contact before he nodded allowing me to stand up and go cower into my room, baby blanket in hand, hiding from everyone, not showing how much so little of words impacted me.

I let the silky blanket glide against my hands as I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling with tears slowly trickling down my face.

I need comfort of some sort...I'm tired of being here for myself this past week. I can't wait to finally see Oliver and Cedric again, it feels like it's been ages. Ollie's strong Scottish accent...Cedric's absolute oblivious stupidity...

"Knock knock." I looked to the side and smiled at Narcissa as she stood in the doorway. Her eyes darted to the open letter on the nightstand, "Oh darling I knew that's why you came up here..." She slowly walked over then sat at the edge of the bed as she gently rubbed my leg as comfort, "Heart breaks can be tough, but I want you to know that you're young and you're going to go through a ton of heartbreaks. I know he might've seemed like the one on your first try but you'll come to realize that not everything goes as planned."

I laid there in silence...still, it's nice to have one parent trying to be comforting but it's not something I want to hear at the moment. "Thanks mom..."

She smiled then stood up looking around at my completely packed up room, "Well then let's get going so you don't miss the early train." I looked back at the ceiling before taking forever to unglue myself from the comfort of my mattress. At least I'll be able to clear things up with Severus soon...I hope.

(I know this chapters rather short and tbh it is a filler as I figure out how to continue the story)

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now