I have a compromise

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Narcissa started to fluff my scarf and make sure my hair has absolutely no fly aways, "Bag, scarf, blanket. I feel like you're forgetting something."

I chuckled lightly, hiding the fact that I just want to go, "Not that I can think of..." My voice slowly trailed off as I watched Lucius slip my wand out of his coat sleeve, a frown placed upon his face.

"Hmph some witch you are."

Narcissa's eyes widened as any color drained from her face. Her arms slightly flailed as she harshly whispered at him, "Lucius give that to her before a muggle sees it!" Slowly he walked over and held it out, still keeping that stupid frown painted on his face.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." His cold gray eyes drifted to Draco then back to me, "Nothing stays hidden." Lucius slowly backed away then nodded to the brick wall we've been standing in front of, "You're free to go."

Draco brushed his hand against mine indicating to leave right at that second but I just stood there slightly irritated, "If you are so concerned about a family image then why aren't you making sure we make it to the train or show the other wizards how happy we seem to be." Lucius stood there not moving one muscle, "Oh, or are you scared of the whispers?"

I watched as his grip on his cane tightened, holding back the urge to strike, "Walk. Through. Now." I watched Narcissa's gaze turn to a terrifying one so I did the smart thing and smiled at the two of them before taking Draco's hand and slipping through the brick wall.

Weight the size of a boulder...no...gravity completely has just shut off. The moment I saw the glistening red train, the moment I could no longer feel father's burning stare, I felt weightless. No more need to be prim and proper, I could just be myself again. A giant smile melted onto my face and tears welted into my eyes, I'm finally going home.

Quickly I climbed up a few steps and froze in the aisle way as Draco continued to walk, where do I even sit? "Excuse me." My stomach jumped up to my throat as I heard the comforting Scottish voice that I had missed this past week. Swiftly I whipped around and smiled up at him but he just stood there staring down at me slightly confused. "Er, please excuse me?" Still I stood there like a buffoon with a smile on my face that was slowly draining, "Do you not speak english..." My smile is now gone, he doesn't recognize me... "Just uh move," He started to flick his wrist indicating me to move before becoming aggravated, "Look seriously I'm trying to find my friend! She must be traumatized and brainwashed and I need to make sure she...are you? Are you crying?"

My hand slowly caressed my face and to my surprise I was crying, "Traumatized maybe...brainwashed though, they could never." My body leaped up as both his cases were released, heavily slamming against the floor. Oliver stood there looking at me with a blank expression as tears started to trickle down his face. "Ollie what is it? It's the stupid scarf isn't it?"

Oliver forced his arms through mine and warmly pulled me close to his warm comforting chest, "I'm so so sorry Y/n. Please forgive me, I, I just didn't, god your hair is soft, is that a hint of lavender?"

I choked back on my tears as a laugh escaped my lips, "Ollie you goof."

"What? Lavender!" He pushed me back slightly to look me in my eyes, "You hate that smell, OH MY GOD! They did brainwash you."

I kicked open the compartment door to our left and pushed the deranged boy through them as the bags floated in with a flick of my wand. A smile as bright as the sun plastered on my face as I sat down chuckling, "God I really missed you."

Oliver's eyes brightened, his face relaxing as he found comfort in my eyes, "I missed you too love."

The two of us sat there with goofy smiles but mine faded quicker, "Oh...I just remembered I have a proposition for you."

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now