Y/n's Choices

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As soon as I saw Severus enter the manor I ran over and pressed my ear against the cold doorway. It was just silence, what will Lucius tell him? Maybe I didn't feel too well and went to sleep early or the complete truth on how I was disrespectful to an unhealthy level.

I sat there hearing the clock tick by alongside the silence and felt a warm drop fall off my cheek. I can't take it, I want my wand, I want freedom, I want his comfort more than anything. I took a deep breath before leaning away and one fist at a time banged on the door with all the strength I could bear.

"LET ME OUT! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! LET ME OUT YOU GREEDY BASTARD!" I continued to make the most noise I could till I heard a vase shatter from down stairs. Suddenly a wand rolled under the door, it clearly wasn't mine...

"Father wants you to hear what happens..." Draco silently sat on the other end of the door, saddened by what I'm going through.

"I could just unlock the door with this, then there's no need for a charm."

"That won't work just do the stupid charm!"

I sat there glaring at the wand before casting the charm, "Draco I'm sorry...I never should ha-"

"Don't be...he needs to get put in his place sometimes." I smiled slightly but frowned when the commotion heated up.

I could hear Severus struggling to stay calm, "Narcissa I know you care about your little girl, you can't let him treat her like garba-"

"I'll treat my daughter as I please!"

"LUCIUS! She is eighteen for crying out loud! You can't hold her captive and since she obviously already doesn't want to be here you need to let her leave."

Narcissa began to weep deep from her soul, "I can't lose her again Lucius...maybe ease up on the poor thing an-"

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. That spoiled brat insisted that I had no interest in her after letting her into my home and family. I'm trying to be her father finally and she went and lashed out at the dinner table!"

I could hear Severus roll his eyes based on his tone, "You must've hit a nerve, she is a fragile traumatized girl."

"Oh you would know Severus. Are you just saying this to cover the fact that she is an absolute whore."

It became silent and I wanted to go run down just to slap that son of a bitch. No father should call their daughter that, no matter what she's done. However I took a deep breath between the silence but quickly tensed at the sound of glass breaking multiple times.

"You haven't even tried to get to know her besides those ridiculous rumors!"

"OH ENLIGHTEN ME SEVERUS! Tell me how much you know my daughter more, the two of you seem to have gotten closer this past year."

"I'm taking her back to the school." Footsteps started to echo closer which scared Draco and the wand away.

Narcissa's cries blossomed to screams, "Severus please don't! Don't take her from me again!"

"Narcissa, Dumbledore sent me to see how it was going and since Y/n is locked in her bedroom with no freedom it is obvious that it's better for her to resume her life as an orphan." Severus's footsteps grew louder and I could tell he's at the top of the stairs. My heart was beating fast, he's fighting for me.

"IF YOU OPEN THAT DOOR SEVERUS! I will tell the ministry every detail of your relationship with my daughter, who's also a student of yours. How you've been romantically active with her!"

My pulse stopped...he would tell everyone just to save his stupid image. I sat there knowing Severus is going to back down and leave lying to Dumbledore how everything seems fine.

"Tell them for all I care...Y/n's life is in jeopardy here and I'm taking her out of it, I could care less if I get fired."

"Severus did you forget, she won't be allowed to be an auror if I tell the ministry. Her dream, her passion, will go down the drain." Quickly I stood up and walked over to the bed and sat on it contemplating my options. I can't let him do this, I can't let Severus risk his job for me...

"Lucius unlock her door."

"Heh...So be it." I sat on the bed, legs crossed, hands clasped and looking down. The door slowly creaked open and I could feel the presence of the three adults. One determined, another fed up and the last completely distraught, "Well Y/n seems like your knight has come to save yo-"

"No." Slowly I looked up at the three of them. Severus's eyes widened and quickly but subtly shook his head no, he knows. "I've decided to give it another shot and attempt to cooperate with your rules Lucius."

"Not with that tone you won't." Severus glared at Lucius, his grip on his wand tightening.

"Right, I'm sorry for my behavior earlier, father. I've reevaluated my actions and realized they were childish and I'd like a fresh start." Narcissa ran over and hugged me close, running her finger smoothly through my hair. This is weird but a mothers affection is nice.

"Thank you. Lucius, she apologized."

The tension thickened and I was stuck in it with Narcissa tightly cradling me, "Thank you Y/n, I'll grant you your fresh start. Now then say goodbye to Snape, I'm sure he has work that needs to get done at the school." Severus went to pitch in, believe me...I want him to stay so badly but Lucius wouldn't let that slide...

"Goodbye Professor. I'll see you when classes start up again." I could see a part of him shatter in the back of his eyes as I sent him off but I know he knows I'm doing it for both our sakes.

"Don't forget your homework will be due Ms. Malfoy." Severus nodded goodbye to the rest as he painfully turned around and left the manor.

I took a deep breath and relaxed a bit slightly letting my personality show, "Father if I'm still gonna be locked in here then I request my dinner to be brought up, I haven't eaten all day."

He stood there stupidly carressing his cane as he thought. My stomach growled loudly causing Narcissa's motherly instincts to go off, "Lucius she needs food."

"Don't worry I'll let her eat, if she promises me this." I gulped down a walnut size of back talk and decided to silently listen instead of retaliating so soon. "Stop your relationship with Severus and find someone your own age to scurry with."

I sat there biting my tongue back, seriously?! THIS IS FOR FOOD?! You little prick... "Father I-"

"Y/n, I have to agree with him on stopping your relationship with Severus. It isn't legal and the sound of a grown man engaging in..." She stopped herself from gagging and struggled to find words for a moment, "I'm sorry but I won't allow it."

My hands gripped my skirt to the point it was gonna rip but quickly a light bulb burned above me and I relaxed, "I understand father, I'll find someone more suitable."

"Your age."

"Yes, I understood that part." He snarled while I just stared him down with a blank expression.

"Now my foo-"

"Yes yes the house elf will bring your food up." His annoyance brought me joy and I smiled as the two of them left my room.

Oh Severus isn't going to like my plan...

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now