Amortentia Potion

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(A/N I figured out where I'm going with this story finally!!)

A week went by, Snape and I kept away from each other no matter how hard it was. Lupin seems to have let off on the whole thing, I know he wouldn't play tattle tell in spite of Severus but he'd do it for my so called "safety". What made it the hardest was detention when me and Severus were alone in a room. He would have me organize the cupboard and the minute I had any spicy thoughts he would send me out. It drives me wild and I just get hungry for more, for actual action.


I yawned as I reread the same page for the third time. The library is just too quiet during my free period. I closed my romance book and carefully placed it into my satchel. I slowly dragged myself out of my seat and made my way out into the hall. I blinked and it became flooded with students. Looks like I'm gonna be late to potions for the first time in a while. I carefully joined the crowd and felt as though I was being swept away by an overwhelming current from the ocean. Finally after feeling like my body was being pulled apart the crowd dispersed and I was left heading to potions alone. I gently pushed on the glacial handle trying to avoid the door from creaking but this just caused an even louder piercing shriek to come from it.

Snape loudly snapped his book shut and sighed, "You're late Ms. Celeste."

I walked over and sat next to Oliver, "So sorry Professor but it was a tidal wave out there. I ended up getting swept in with the crowd. I was honestly hoping to drown in it," I leaned over to Oliver and loudly whispered, "Would've saved me from seeing his face."

The whole class let out a slight chuckle and Snape swiftly glided to my desk and leaned over me, "Hm you think you're funny huh? 10 points from Slytherin and see me after class, obviously your month's worth of detentions hasn't taught you anything." The room shushed and I looked at the table hiding my frown as he shifted back to the front of the room.

"At some point Snape is going to have you expelled if you keep this up." I leaned back and looked at Oliver.

"He can try but Dumbledore won't let him." I leaned against the wall considering we were in the back of the class room and froze when I realized we were doing amortentia potions.

"Since you've learned how to brew these last year," He took a dramatic pause, "I expect you to write every step perfectly without your textbooks." The whole room groaned knowing they were going to fail however I didn't. I have every potion embedded into my brain thanks to spending every night here organizing the cupboard and using it as a study method.

We started to get to work and I dipped my quill in my ink. As if I was a printer I scribbled every step within the first few minutes. "Y/n, what do you do after you drop the peppermint leaves into the water?"

"Ollie you should know this," He shrugged and I sighed looking down at my own paper, "Fine you just add Powdered Moonstone, one tbs at a time and stir anticlockwise three times between each spoonful. Simple ri-"

"Mr. Wood using Ms. Celeste for answers is the same as using the textbook which I said not to do. 15 points from Gryffindor for not following directions." He walked past us to the next table and I slightly slid my paper to Oliver.

Under my breath I complained, "He is such an ass." My paper floated into the air and I watched it clasp into Snape's hands.

"Ms. Celeste you are out of control! Apparently the easy way isn't working...After class I am going to escort you to the headmaster's office and he will write to your parents."

"Ok, like that would do adoptive parents won't care. They're muggles who act like I don't exist." The class went silent and Snape had no idea how to react. He went to the front of the class room and handed a vile to the first student in the front.

"Pass it around and everyone is going to say what they smell. Ms. Celeste, if you wouldn't mind stepping outside to rethink while we do this, that would be great." I didn't argue and left the stuffy room. It was refreshing to get out of there but wait is this a punishment or a way for no one to figure out I'm attracted to Snape. It felt like eternity before the door opened and some ravenclaw whose name I can't remember let me in.

"Go on Wood."

Oliver held the vile up to his face, "Toast, parchment and...firewhiskey." H u h? Ok the parchment is because I write a lot and the firewhiskey is because well I got drunk in front of him but toast? Snape then took the vile and handed it to me.

"Go on or are you going to throw a fit?" I looked at him slightly scared and sat down taking a whiff.

"The first scent is hard to make out because this room reeks of potions. Besides that I smell fresh ink and lilies." I handed the vile back to him and another Slytherin blurted out his mind.

"Professor, what do you smell? Or are you scared for us to find out it's nothing." Snape turned around and I covered myself to hide my giant smile.

"Another 5 points from Slytherin sadly, however I can tell you I smell." He paused, I can tell he wants to smile, "Vanilla, rain and," His face became confused, "...Class dismissed." What the absolute fuck is he smelling?

"Good luck Y/n, you're gonna need it." Oliver sympathetically patted my back before he was the last student who left.

"May I ask why the last scent is Malfoy Manor?" My eyes widened just as confused as he was, what?!


"Vanilla because well that's what you smelt like that day darling when we...then rain since you stood happily in the rain yesterday but why Malfoy Manor?" I picked up my bag and just shrugged as I made my way to the door.

"Who knows why, might not even be me the potion is referring to. Now you need to escort me so there is no suspicion with the students."


He quickly walked in front of me, guiding me to the headmasters office and said the password. All the students around me were whispering and exchanging looks of sympathy. We stepped onto the first step and it began to lift us. Snape whispered in a very serious tone, "Keep your mind quiet, Dumbledore can read minds." My eyes widened, then he already fucking knows! Snape sharply looked down at me, "What?!"

"I'll explain later..." He looked down at me before opening the giant doors that an elephant could probably fit through.

"Severus and," Dumbledore looked up from his desk and smiled, "Ms. Celeste, what do I owe the pleasure?"

Snape began to fiddle with his hands, "Ms. Celeste has had a horrible attitude recently and I believe since she hasn't stopped we need to send a letter to her parents." I looked at the floor and just thought about how beautiful the golden woods pattern is.

"Severus there is something else on your mind, I will write to her parents but you seem concerned with something else." Dumbledore is good, I know Severus is on edge from the potion but he wasn't showing it. "Severus I am absolutely aware of you and Y/n's arrangement and I will say it now I don't care. So what is concerning you so much?"

Snape seems set back, astonished by Dumbledore's reaction to everything, "Right...the amortentia potion I smell attributes of Y/n but one caught me off guard, Malfoy Manor."

Dumbledore was caught off guard by this as well, "Well then...I assure you you must've interpreted it wrong."

"Albus I did not, if you could just figure it out that would be great." It went silent and my mind connected a dot that could very well be wrong. Am I a Malfoy? I am adopted and my parents could be anyone since I don't know my blood status. "Y/n you are dismissed..." I snapped out of it and looked at Severus confused. He didn't budge so I unwilling left the room. 

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now