It's Too Soon to End

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(N/n: nick name) (Also PTSD is a slight part in this chapter [I'm learning to put warnings])

How can someone who is so cruel and greasy become so kind and open overnight. He's somehow taken the dust leftover from my heart and reversed it back to a whole loving heart. It makes no sense, why me, is it because I turned 18 this summer and he's finally able to play around with me. No, there's no way it's that...his touch is so passionate and he's given me a choice whether I wanted to move on or not. I stopped by the bathroom on my way to the courtyard just to look at myself in the mirror. My neck was devoured in dark red and purple hickies, I know under this shirt there is more he left behind. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at my neck using an illusion charm to hide any evidence I've been snogging someone. I smiled widely as I practically skipped out of the bathroom and finally found my two boys who were weirdly enough chatting with Percy.

"Um, do you need anything, Perce?" He turned on his heel and looked into my eyes, maybe if he let his hair be a little messy he'll get girl attention.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted me to check on you." He looked at my left leg and shrugged, "Doesn't look like Professor Lupin neglected your broken leg."

I rolled my eyes, highly irritated from this mornings event, "He did neglect my injuries however Professor Snape was nearby and healed me up." Percy just nodded and left without further questions.

"Snape? He actually helped you and Lupin was the one to neglect you?!" I exchanged looks of confusion with Cedric.

"I know right, anyways what's the plans for the day?" They both looked at me as if I was an idiot, what am I missing?

"I have quidditch practice, which I need to be heading to." Cedric quickly turned and left me in the dust with Oliver.

"Ok...what's the plan then Ollie?" I'm scared he won't want to be alone with me. It won't take him long to figure out where I was today...

His accent however soothes my nerves, "If you want we could just walk around, there's also a party in the Gryffindor tower later if you're interested."

"What's the occasion?"

"Well it's just what we do a week before we have a quidditch game. Hufflepuff will be easy to beat, no offense to Cedric." I smiled and chuckled, covering my mouth as I did so. "You have a beautiful smile. Apparently whoever you are seeing right now hasn't reassured you..."

"I'm not really seeing him, it was just my way of forgetting about Lupin, ok." It really isn't like that. I mean it started that way, he was just trying to keep me away from Lupin but now...I'm starting to fall for the Potion's master.

"Ok, that's understandable. I'm supposed to help set up that party, I'll see you later Y/n." He turned and I was left alone in the courtyard. Frantically but not noticeable I looked around for someone else I've become friends with but the twins were nowhere to be seen and with Charlie and Bill graduated I have no back ups.

I sighed and slowly walked back up the steps and into the castle halls that were empty. Snape won't get out of my train of thought, what if he is just using me. I started to overthink and no matter how much I try to think of something else it takes over my mind. I stopped and leaned against the closest wall which was freezing at the touch. He's done with me now. He took my virginity and decided to throw me away. NO, that's not true whatsoever. He held me close, not wanting me to leave afterwards. He's opened up to me which I never thought was possible. He has to love me too.

"Ms. Celeste? It's good to see your back on your feet after breaking your leg this morning." Lupin walked over to me and hesitated when he noticed I was emotionless.

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now