The Final Kiss

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Severus chasing after Remus seems normal however the place they've ended up is weird, it won't hurt for me to follow...right?

As I raced away my heart raced, the cold winter air continuously whipped into my face the closer I got to the whomping willow, all of this excitement but for what cause? Also I've never understood why this tree was put here considering how dangerous it is but there's this tingle in my gut that tells me I'll learn why in a second.

Carefully dodging the giant club-like branches I held out my wand casting flipendo on the trunk of the tree hoping it would do something. To my astonishment it froze for a split second before flailing its branches around once again. Desperately wanting to live and make sure everything is okay I panicked and swung my wand around casting flipendo till I could carefully slide down a hole and come face to face with a long creepy underground hallway.

"What is thi-"

"SH!" Before I could process the long creepy hall my mouth was covered and my body was pulled into someone. I struggled and the figure quickly snatched my wand before I could even remember I'm a fucking wizard! "Calm down!" Even through a whisper I could easily make out his slow deep voice. I relaxed and doing so I was given my right to speak again.

"What the hell is all of this! There's a secret passage under the most dangerous tree in the world?!- Actually, that makes sense."

He looked down the hall anxious but annoyed, "I don't have time for this, can you please listen to me this time and just stay put!" Once again he quickly ran off and I stood there upset at his tone but quickly calmed, I didn't listen to him...he has a right to be annoyed. Once he disappeared into the dark my mind was flooded with thoughts.

What if he's in trouble? Wait! No that can't be it...can it? There's no way Lupin is part of that...just stay put Y/n, do as he said, it's not hard...

"Fuck it, it is that hard." If any of them die or get hurt I could never forgive myself and besides I'm an honors witch, I can survive anything.

The dusty musty air quickly filled my lungs as I ran down the hall and found myself in an even dustier house. It looks well abandoned...I loudly gasped then covered my mouth realizing I was in the shrieking shack and I could hear voices upstairs. Before I could make out words there was a giant thud and cracking of wood. I looked up the stairs and without thinking started to creep up them. If I run in it could be deadly but if I sneak I can catch whoever is up there off guard.

The talking ceased but the sound of spells flying around started as I turned the corner. I stayed next to the door ready to surprise them but instead I let out a loud high pitched scream as a fat raggedy man pierced through the wall next me acting like a rodent.

"Who the bloody- Y/n?" Remus came around the corner and turned ghost white at the sight of me, "This can be explained, p-please don't do anything irrational."

My eyes squinted as I leaned back, why would I do anything irratio- "OH MY GOD SEVERUS!" After peaking into the room and seeing Severus knocked out in a pile of rubble I bolted towards him but was pulled the other way and thrown towards Potter and his friends.

"He's fine, just stay put while we deal with wormtail!" Remus shrugged me off then walked over to Sirius Black and helped pull the rat man out of the wall and threw him. I stared off into space ignoring the bickering, fixated on that last word, wormtail...When Severus sent me to the muggles he mentioned another death eater, one who was too scared to kill me. My eyes narrowed on the man as I held out my hand towards Harry.

"Give me your wand..."

"What? No! I don't even have it, where's yours?"

"Sev- Professor Snape took it..."

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now