The News is Out

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The silky black bedding hugged against my body as I stretched, my hips popping like usual. My right arm reached beside me for a hug, my eyes shot open when I realized no one was there.

"Sev?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking around the room, "Severus?" The sound of rushing water from his private bathroom caught my attention. What time is it? I turned my head to the alarm clock, 5:00. I know it's a school day but jeez. I groaned loudly before plopping back under the covers and closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Tingling shot up my spine as my hair was pulled away from my neck and warm kisses were replacing it. I smiled and began to open my eyes, noticing the clock now said 6.

I stretched once again before being pulled close to his warm body, "Rest a little longer darling."

A giggle exited my mouth, "Sev I have to sneak into my common room to remove suspicion."

He squeezed me tighter, nuzzling his head into my neck, "You had a rough day yesterday, just stay." I rolled over so I could face him and see his mysterious glistening dark eyes.

"Well I have to talk things out with Oliver and Mr. Malfoy is telling the Mrs. and Draco about me today." He stared right into my soul and sighed realizing I was right.

"Ok fine, just make sure Wood doesn't do something to 'protect' you." I smiled and picked up my shoes as I backed out of his room blowing kisses.


The Slytherin doors closed quietly but shut out any light protruding into the room. I took one step forward carefully feeling around knowing there must be a step somewhere. One step then two and BAM! Something tripped me but what? Remembering I'm a witch I grabbed my wand and light protruded out showing...nothing?

The voice of an obnoxious boy startled me, "I got my letter last night from my father." I froze knowing it was Malfoy, "Silence, are you scared? Scared of my- No, our family." I gulped and turned looking up to see him sitting on the sofa.

"Scared? Why would I be scared?" He sat there with this emotionless face, to be honest he is scary right now. "Draco-"

"To think my father hid that I had a sister all this time." He threw the letter down at my hands, "How long have you known?"

I picked up the parchment just glancing at it before looking back at him, "Only a few days-"

"LIAR! Did you even look at the letter? Father said you found out over summer."

I scoffed and shot up off the floor enraged, "Oh really? Is that what this says? I found out only a few days ago Draco..." I looked closer at the letter, "Lucius found out this summer not me, can you not read?"

His face scrunched up, "My father will be hearing ho-"

"Like he'll do anything! I'm his child too Draco and once he tells Narcissa things will change. I'm sorry Draco but based on the story I've heard Narcissa was devastated when she lost me."

He crossed his arms and looked away, "Mum always wanted a girl..." I took a step forward to console him but he looked back at me, "But that want went away when she had me. Her perfect angel was born. You are an absolute insult to our family! Seducing and sleeping with teachers!"

"SHUT UP!" I sliced my wand in the air causing him to be pushed over the sofa hitting the floor with a loud thud. "Draco-" I gasped and quickly ran around kneeling down to help him, "I didn't mean- You just hit a nerve and-"

"Get. Away. From. ME!" He shoved me away and started to walk out of the common room as students started to get up from the ruckus. I wanted to run after him, to finish this stupid argument but no. Instead I lifted the letter and read it to myself while walking to my dorm.

Dear Draco,

I'm sorry to have kept this from you since the summer but you have an elder sister. You even know her since you came home last year laughing at how she's an absolute slut. Y/n Celeste I think is the name her adoptive parents gave her. Anyways keep her in check, word about her will get out soon and we don't want the family name ruined.

-Don't be dimwitted, your father


The Great Hall was busy like any other school morning however whispers grew as I walked in. My heart began to thump rapidly, what got out so fast? Everyone was so drunk that night they wouldn't remember except...Ollie. He wouldn't gossip, it's not like him to do so, unless it's out of spite. My mind began to spin as I sat down overthinking everything, Oliver must've told everyone something but what part?

"OH MY GOD!" Pansy threw down her copy of the daily prophet and marched over to me with an unreadable face. "You, you're related to Draco! You're a Malfoy!"

"How did..." I grabbed the closest paper and my eyes widened looking at the cover.

Malfoy family secret out. Missing first born daughter who was thought to have died at birth found. Not even hidden but found as a seventh year student at Hogwarts. Read the rest of the story on page 3.

"Well I guess you're not such a bad person Y/n." I looked back at Pansy completely confused.

"Uhhh thanks..." I grabbed a piece of toast before standing up to leave.

"Wait, you need to eat more than that!" I was quickly pulled back into my seat. Food began to stack on my plate, what the actual fuck.

"Pansy, really this piece of toast is enough." She forcefully placed an apple into my hand.

"At least take this as well. I need to ensure my future sister in law is taken care of." I nodded before quickly leaving, letting my laugh out as I finally exited the room.

"Fitting in with the Slytherins now?" I jumped dropping the apple seeing Cedric and Oliver right in front of me.

"What? No Cedric I'm not, they're just actually caring about me now." I began to walk past them but stopped when Diggory spoke again.

"Why did I find this out from the daily prophet?" I nodded slowly, my heart finally relaxing.

"I told you the other night while drunk...mustn't have remembered." I looked at my toast as I waited for one of them to speak.

"Y/n..." Oliver began to stutter over every sound trying to figure out what to say. "I- er um hmmm well uhhh."

"Save it hot shot, I'll see you in Charms." I took an enormous bite of my toast as I stormed away. 

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now