Flustered much?

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The halls were crowded and I kept bumping into others. I slightly yelped in pain as the text books in my bag slammed against my leg. "Y/n if it's hurting you let me carry it." Oliver held out his hand and it was tempting but I don't need help.

"No I'm good, Cedric what's the new professor like?" He shrugged and started to think.

"He's not bad, we got to actually learn a useful spell." I nodded as I zoned out thinking about how smart he must be. How sweet he must be when answering a confused student's question.

"Yoink." I snapped out of it when Ollie snatched my bag.

"I said I could carry it!" He smiled as he rubbed the top of my head, messing it up.

"I know. I haven't asked, where were you yesterday?"  I frowned and rolled my eyes just thinking about how annoying yesterday was.

"Ughhhhh Snape gave me a month's detention."

"Doesn't explain why you skipped dinner or didn't even hang out with us."

I bit my tongue back but they are my friends, "I made a truth serum and used it on Snape to see why he hasn't expelled me."

"Why would he have expelled you?" I looked at Ollie and stared at him till it clicked in his brain, "OH! Right, I blocked out the whole story. Why didn't he?"

"Was it because he wants to do what Lockhart did with you?"

I stopped in front of the defense against the dark arts classroom and looked at Cedric in disgust, "What the fuck! No, ew, uck, gross!" I slid my hands down my face hoping to erase pictures forming in my mind, "He hasn't expelled me because I guess he just felt bad."

The door opened and Cedric started to walk away from us, "Welp have fun in class you two." I waved goodbye to him and turned around running straight into someone's chest. I slowly backed away, keeping my eyes down.

"I'm so very sorry-" I looked up and my eyes widened, my face flushing into a red tone. Professor Lupin was looking down at me, hands in his pockets.

"It's perfectly fine, Ms. Celeste, right?" I couldn't form words so instead I quickly nodded before walking past him. Oliver followed and placed my bag beside me.

"Don't tell me he was the guy from the train."


"He's our professor, so just forget about it." His words cut into my heart a bit as I looked into Oliver's eyes.

"Y-you're right..." The doors shut as the last students entered and Professor Lupin made his way to the front. He leaned against his desk and smiled at the whole class.

"Welcome seventh years. Before we start today's lesson I will say you're my most advanced class and you have N.E.W.Ts to look forward to this year. This won't be an easy class." He took out his wand and it sparked out a beautiful blue shield of light, "Today we are doing patronuses, whether it's corporeal or not. So you can either accomplish this shield or," He turned his attention to me and waved me to come up, "Ms. Celeste, why don't you show your Patronus, don't be shy." I could feel my face burn as I stood up and made my way to the front of the room. I debated on a happy memory, usually using the one where I watched Oliver win his first game. However I thought about seeing Remus for the first time. The bright fox emerged out of my wand and danced around each student as Lupin continued to explain, "All you have to do is think of your happiest memory and say expecto patronum. However I can see Ms. Celeste is skilled in non verbal spells." I felt my face start to heat up again from his compliment and I quickly sat back at my seat.

"Y/n you're blushing, a lot." I took a deep breath and smiled at Oliver as if not knowing what he was talking about.

"Hm? Well anyways you should pay attention, I'm gonna read since I already know this spell."

"Ok but take your mind off of our professor first." I smacked his arm before he got up to attempt a Patronus himself.


Herbology and transfiguration went by really fast and so did the day. Before I knew it, dinner was even over and I was heading towards the dungeons. However I passed the potions classroom in an attempt to ditch my detention.

"Ms. Celeste, not trying to earn yourself more detentions are you?" I rolled my eyes and dramatically turned around and stared into his dark, cold eyes. I could swear he was trying to drain my soul out of my body.

"No sir. Of course I'm not trying to save myself from going to hell right now." He looked to the side before turning around and entering his classroom which I followed.

He pointed over at a few vials with students' names labeled on them, "It's amortentia, separate them by correct and incorrect. There's an example vial right next to them." He sat at his desk slowly and took his quill, not looking up at me once. In annoyance I walked over and took off the cork to the example potion. I smelled books, chocolate and to make it weird, wolf fur. I continued to repeat smelling every potion either getting a hint of those scents or nothing at all.

I began to imagine Professor Lupin and how he must be sitting in his office grading papers peacefully. How much I wished to sit in his lap and have him kiss down my neck gently, to just distract him from work and become his number one priority.

These visions stopped when a hand wrapped around my waist and another gently wrapped around my neck. His warm breath breathed down my neck sending me chills.

"It is highly inappropriate of you to think of another professor like that." I felt my body slowly being pulled closer to his, "You really are such a naughty little girl." His lips began to touch my neck, they were so soft and I could feel him sucking on every spot he moved to. His hand by my waist began to draw little circles on my stomach. I let out a slight gasp and moan as he began to suck on that perfect spot. He stayed at that spot for a good minute making me want more.

Right as I thought this he stopped and walked back over to his desk. I stood there highly confused and went into the cupboard grabbing a small vile. I quickly ran over to his desk and set it down in front of him.

"Drink, it's obvious someone slipped you an amortentia potion." He looked at the vile and pushed it away.

"Ms. Celeste I was just annoyed hearing you think about that scum so I put something else into your train of thought." He set his quill into the ink and sat back, slightly smirking up at me, "And it worked. Now you may leave." My fist clenched and in anger and annoyance I turned leaving the room.

This man is so horrible and I despise him so much and his lips are so soft and he's so rough but soft at the same tim- NO! He is the worst person I have ever met! I entered my common room and marched straight to my bed wanting to sleep however the places he touched tingled in enjoyment as I replayed the night.

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now