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February 1994

Roughly over a month has passed, well a terribly excruciating long month. Severus decided it would be best to not talk one on one for that time to get literally everyone who knows about us off our back. The whole school finding out Oliver and I finally got together helped things out heavily. The new issue that's appeared is no one has seen the two of us show any more affection past hand holding and hugging.

Early mornings between breakfast and class I spend my time sitting in the freezing cold bleachers watching Gryffindors practice to keep our relationship in view of others.

"OI Y/N!" I looked up from my book at the sound of one of the Weasleys calling out to me, it was Fred, "Wanna hop on my broom and help me knock Oliver down?" Fred had the evilest grin plastered on his face as he waited for my answer.

"As much as it would be hilarious Fred, I think you'd rather not injure your keeper before tomorrow's game against Hufflepuff." At that moment Oliver noticed Fred was distracted and yelled from the goal posts.


"Lame you used to be so much fun Y/n." Fred backed away slightly and I just looked at him with this slight aggravation.

"Yeah, Oliver seems to have made you a goody two shoes. You've become so predictable." The sound of both Fred and George calling me lame and saying all of that just reminded me of how boring and horrible it was to be prim and proper at the manor, am I really being seen like that? Without a second thought my body climbed on top of the bleachers railing and waved around trying to balance on it.

"Predictable huh?!" I smirked and watched as the twins cheered me on for being a risk taker again.

"That's the Y/n we know and love!!"

"Well done!" I relaxed, soaking in the relief and comfort I felt standing there with the icy wind breezing past my face, blowing my hair behind me. I closed my eyes and smiled widely as I took a deep breath.

"EAT YOUR WORDS FRED! I am not la- AHHHH!" My eyes shot open as I felt my body lurch forward and I was spiraling towards the floor quickly, dropping down the 40 foot drop. I could practically smell the dirt before my body was harshly whipped and caught by a comforting body.

My glazed eyes locked with Oliver's hazel eyes and I felt the whole world pause as he held me tight in a cradle, looking in my eyes with the sweetest look. My fast heart beat slowed down, my cheeks flushed red, a weird churning and twisting embedded in my stomach and a goofy smile was plastered on my face.

My body jumped when he spoke, his accent rolling off his tongue, "You oughta be more careful love. You're lucky I'm fast."

I sat there admiring him and just giggled before realizing he was waiting for a response. Still in a weird fluttering trance I smiled and sighed happily, "Worth it." Oliver's face quickly turned bright red as he realized what my look and silence meant. I watched as he stumbled to keep his composer.

"Heh, you're adorable. Now then grab your bag and head down so we can get to class on time." The trance still had a tight grip on me as he set me down on the bleachers, as I started to walk down the stairs and as I waited patiently for him to come down. Finally I squealed and pulled myself out of this weird very nauseating fluttery trance.

"EEE! What has gotten over me, there's no way I'm catching feelings for Oliver. It must've just been the rush of being so close to death, YES! That's what that feeling was." I rolled my eyes and laughed, I can't believe I thought I moved on from Severus for a moment. Which my eyes then trailed towards the castle and I could've sworn I just saw a fox patronus scurry off but it could've just been my imagination.

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now