Lupin's Change of Heart

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Why, why must it be so fucking bright. My head feels like it's gonna explode. I can't even open my eyes. What even happened last night? I remember going to the Gryffindor common room then...OH MY GOD! I told Oliver everything, he knows, he's utterly disgusted with me. What happened next? I left but to where? Okay I fell into someone's arms, Severus right? No, it's too bright in here... My stomach felt like something kicked it and I widely opened my eyes puking over the side of the bed. I stared at the floor as I heard rustling next to me. Carefully I turned my head to the side and tried to see who it was squinting my eyes. I became petrified as I made eye contact with Remus Lupin.

"You alright?" He looked very worried before shutting all the curtains with his wand, "Better?"

I blinked and kept eye contact with him, "Uh yes sir." I sat up causing the blanket to slowly roll off of my chest. The top half of me was just in a bra. My eyes looked down as my face warmed up, I can feel that my pants are still on, that's good. "What- What uh..."

"I was walking around making sure Fred and George weren't creating mischief since they weren't at the party. Then I came across you tumbling about holding onto the walls. Brought you here and being drunk you threw off your shirt yelling 'It's so hot in here!!'" He just was smiling to himself. Enjoying my drunken state.

"Did you sleep in the bed with me?" My eyes darted everywhere looking for my shirt which was neatly folded next to me.

"Oh no of course not. I slept in that chair." I pulled the shirt on and kicked the covers off. "Leaving so soon?" I turned back to him and he is generally sad I'm going.

I looked at him very confused, "I'm surprised you didn't kick me out last night. I mean you cursed me to teach me that being with you is wrong." He looked equally as confused then chuckled.

"I told you a student cursed my classroom, you must've caught it. Getting wasted isn't the answer to your problems, with Severus I assume."

I scoffed, smiling at him, "Professor Snape? That arrogant bastard, no, I mean to get over how much he annoys me maybe-"

"Y/n you love him don't you..." I stared at him and leapt out of bed quickly walking to the door which locked as I grabbed the door knob. I could feel my hand shake, I just want to leave... "Answer please, I know I pushed you away but I- He's- He loves someone else." I dropped my hand indicating I'm now listening, however he didn't continue.

"Professor, are you saying you actually might like me and who is this person?" I looked over my shoulder and he had his thumb hovering in front of his mouth. I turned my head snapping at him, "Answer!"

"I love you, you're absolutely brilliant and you show no boundaries when you love someone." I could care less about this. I don't have any feelings for him at this point. He sighed realizing what my silence meant, "It's Lily Potter, his heart has been set on her since we were kids."

"She's dead," I turned around slightly laughing with tears in my eyes, "He wouldn't still love her that much."

Remus stood up and walked over to me with a serious face, "Check his Patronus then." I stared into his eyes with an equal expression before opening the door and marching out.


Do I just go straight to Severus or maybe I can talk to Oliver. Potter, Harry's mother, wow interesting.

"Interesting how?" My head shot up as I heard his slow brooding voice. I'm back in the dungeons? I felt him enter deeper into my mind so I looked into his eyes seeing anger rush to fright.

"Professor, why don't we speak in your classroom." I nodded towards the open doors and he slowly glided his way in followed by me. The door slammed shut and my shoulders tensed.

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now