Bonus: An Eternity Together

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(Do you really think Y/n would be able to stay away forever?)

4 years later...

Life as a ghost takes a while to adapt to but if I'm being honest I've never felt so loved or free before in my life. Every fresh set of new students get to hear my story as it passes down from the older students, which is mostly historically correct. However there are the downfalls... I didn't get to graduate with my friends, I found out one of my close friends was murdered by Wormtail making me wish I ended him while I had the chance. He is the reason everything went downhill from that night on. Which brings me to the present, a very sad day for every wizard and witch dead or alive, a day you might know as the battle of hogwarts.

As a ghost there is nothing I can way to help or save the ones I love. The other thing is that I know none of them will end up like me, all of them will pass on to the afterlife. Somewhere I will never go...

I stayed sitting on the edge of a window in one of the corridors and just closed my eyes hoping the blood shed would end any second. The cold wind and high pitched screams of death kept breezing past me and all I can do is wait it out.

"Holy shit...Y/n?" My body fell forward startled by the scottish accent and started to float down, "Wait don't go!"

"I don't want to see you die too!" I continued to float down as he leaned over trying to wave me back up, getting annoyed.

"Oh bloody hell! Can you just come up here and hear this message, I'll leave as soon as the message is received."

"Message?" I quickly flew up and stood directly in front of his face, "Who the hell would have a message for a ghost." I gave him an attitude, fed up with all the bloodshed.

"Look I know you have that deal with Sna-"

"Don't even speak of him."

Oliver sighed and pulled his hands over his face, "I'm still mad at you and you're not helping whatsoever."

"Sorry I died and ruined your perfect love life. Oh wait, that love life was so dark and twisted."

His eyes flared but he kept calm and turned walking away, "Alright fine I guess I won't tell you that Snape is about to die, alone." He continued to walk but I quickly swerved in front of him and got loud.

"Where is he! You can't just say that and walk away you jackass!"

"Huh after all these years you still love him?" He smiled softly and rubbed the back of his neck, "I was a jerk to you back then...I didn't realize what you had was real, I was blinded by my love for you."

"Ollie...a part of me wanted to love you, like real true love but that's something I've learned I don't have control of." He chuckled to himself and just smiled at me.

"I'm glad to hear those words, I've accepted you were never mine, love."

"Ollie, where is he?" His smile vanished as he saw the worry and panic in my face.

"Boat house-" I quickly flew away not hearing his next words of warning. As much as I have been following Severus's wishes, I refuse to let anyone die alone.

I came to a halt as I heard the snake pierce into his body, his breaths muffled by the gargling of blood and then the quiet of him sitting alone. I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to go in and stay by his side but the sound of the three "chosen ones" entering the room caused me to stop and just watch. Potter tried his hardest to keep him alive but Severus just shook his head no and motioned towards his tears telling him to take them.

"Professor please stay a little longer..."

"Harry I don't think she's coming, Oliver said they had a promise."

I watched as Severus's eyes widened and his pain worsened quickly realizing what they meant, "Y-y/n..."

"Aw look you've agitated him."

"Just shush both of you!" Hermione snapped at them then pointed towards me, how'd she know... "Come on, they'll make sure he doesn't pass away alone." Hermione slowly led the boys out as I carefully came out from my corner and slowly floated down to him.

"I only came because I heard you might die alone...I'm sorry I didn't follow your order once again..."

He shook his head and tried to reach for me but just went right through, "That determination..." He was struggling to speak but insisted on finishing his words, "That's why I adore you so..."

"Severus I..."

"You're still beautiful both inside and out..."

At that moment I couldn't keep it together, I curled up around him and started to cry my eyes out, "I love you Severus..."

With his last breath he smiled and whispered, "And I love you..." With that last syllable the life vanished from his eyes and his body laid there limp, bloody and lifeless. I cried, shrieks of despair. No one will be able to pull me away from him, get me to leave this boat house, from now on this is where I stay.

Well, within a couple days Harry walked in and nervously kept his hands in his pocket, head down, "Y/n I thought...just maybe you would like to know that his spirit lives on."

"Thanks for the metaphor Potter..."

"No seriously, remember he was a headmaster meaning-"

My head shot up and it felt as if I had a heart beat again, "His portrait." A smile curled on my face before swooping away and going through wall after wall till I stood in the headmasters office searching for him.

"Y/n..." I turned up to see his long dark hair framing his face and his dark beetle eyes gleaming at the sight of me.

"Hey Sev..." I slowly floated over to him placing my hand on the portrait wanting to climb in with him. However accepting our fate, our eternity of being stuck between life and death I just rested my forehead against the canvas as he tried to do the same. Both of us symbolizing the touch we had lost. Happiness overcame me and finally I felt at peace.

Dumbledore's portrait chuckled with a smile looking at the two of us, "What a happy ending."

(Hey guys thank you for reading, I wanted to do something different to me it feels like a touching ending but idk what do you guys think? Did the story piece together or just end bleh?)

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