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"I just want to make you feel the pain that you left me with," Rayan smirks pointing the gun in JJ's direction.

"Or make him feel the pain, depends really."

"So what do you gain?" She asked trying to untie JJ's hands too without making it too obvious.

"Depends on who I kill," he mused.

"What will you gain killing him?" She asked formulating a plan in her head.

He leaned closer to her, his mouth so close to her that she could smell the weed in his breath. She knew that JJ felt it too. She pinched his arms signalling for him to not move, not wanting to give away the fact that she had undone their hands.


Hadiyehs hand swung towards Rayan's face. The noise of it connecting with his face so brutally that she almost cringed. He was so taken aback and surprised that she took the chance to pull the gun from his hands.

JJ took the sound of her hand connecting with his face as a signal to move his hands taking the blindfold and muffle off. JJ took Rayan's face in a headlock holding his hand against his mouth keeping him from making any noise.

Hadiyeh undid the knots on her feet and then pulled the knife out of her sock. She knew that they had probably taken her phone but would forget to check her socks.

She got up and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine so bright, his scream of agony was muffled by JJ's hand. There was no real purpose to her kicking him beside the fact that she wanted to take out her anger. She leaned down and cut the ropes that had were tied around JJ's legs.

Hadiyeh moved back and let JJ have his turn with torturing Rayan. Rayan was still groaning about the pain between his legs. JJ took this opportunity to lay a hard punch to Rayan's jaw knocking him unconscious, immediately.

"I always thought you were good at boxing," She mused playfully tying Rayan's limbs to the chair that she was previously bound to.

"You could say that," He chuckled. 

"Here," She handed him the gun that she had snatched out of Rayan's hand, "Only shoot legs," 

He nodded, "What about you?" 

"I think I'll be just fine," She chuckled pulling out her other knife from her bra. 

"I'll scream, so one of his men come in and you put a gun to their head, good?" 

"I always thought you were strategic," 

"I did always win," She smirked a faint memory of her and the boys playing video games and she always won, Vik had always said that her brain works differently compared to others.

She screamed. JJ winced at the noise. He hadn't ever heard her scream so high pitched before. The door bust opens three men entering. 

They look bewildered seeing their boss unconscious tied to the chair and lower their guns all rushing over to help their boss.

JJ takes the opportunity to shoot their legs, as each of them now struggling to pull out their guns Hadiyeh takes the opportunity to step over them like their worms and extract their guns from their pockets, holding a knife to their necks as though she's done this a million times before.

What she hadn't seen was the two men that had now come below deck, they had sneaked up behind Hadiyeh, in a blink of an eye, the man had his arm around Hadiyeh's neck, holding her in a tight headlock as he pointed his gun at her temple, dangerously close to her skull. JJ on the other hand was struggling too, being held back by two men, both double his size.

"Drop your gun." The man holding Hadiyeh demanded in Turkish.

Hadiyeh smirked. She had done this a million times before with her brothers when layfihgting, she just now had to pretend that she wasn't in a life or death situation. Easy. right?

She put her foot behind the man and swung herself out of the headlock, now holding the man with his arm twisted around his back, all she had to do was pull and all the bones in his hand would break. Instead, she kept him there, he winced in pain as he felt the ligaments in his arm rip.

"Drop the gun." She demanded, in any other situation, her tone would sound flirty and mischievous, but here, she sounded like a murderer that was too good at their job. 

The man's gun fell to the floor. Hadiyeh kicked it out of the man's reach.

The men holding JJ had now stopped what they were doing and stared at Hadiyeh, one had their gun pointed at JJ and the other had his gun facing Hadiyeh.

"Oh, gentlemen, this game is too far overdue," She chuckled pressing her thumb and forefinger into the man's neck, she had pushed his pressure points making him drowsy immediately. He fell to the floor his eyes shut. 

"I'll shoot!" The man holding his gun against JJ's head yelled in Turkish at Hadiyeh. 

She stepped back. 

"Drop your gun." He threatened. 

She obeyed and the man whose gun was facing hers took a step closer to her, he kept coming never lowering his guard, she allowed him to come within millimetres of her face before she swung her body around taking him to the floor.

Hadiyeh had heard a gun shoot, what she hadn't expected was for it to be the man standing meters away. She snapped her neck at the sound of the gun, scared that it might be JJ, what she hadn't seen or felt was her hip bursting into rivers of blood.

Within a second JJ had taken down the man that was holding him and Hadiyeh who was still running on adrenaline had managed to take the man down, what she hadn't expected was for her body to go unconscious the blood that was being excreted from her body had taken a toll on her and she fell unconscious.

Written: 10/09/2021

Published: 10/09/2021

(A/N: I worked my bum off to get this chapter out, but it was worth it, I didn't have much time to edit it so, sorry for that, but oh well, it is what it is, there are better chapters coming out soon, I promise!)

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