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Hadiyeh and Saeedeh were waiting at the airport for their older sister to arrive when Hadiyeh felt an object collide directly into her leg. 

"Asal!" Hadiyeh cooed picking up the child that is now much taller and mature than what she remembered. 

"Hadhad!" The child grinned, it had been almost over a year since Hadiyeh had seen her niece. 

"Where is your mum?" 

"Right in front of you," Hadiyeh would recognise that french accent anywhere.


"Nice to finally seeing you two!" Amira awed, the way that French people do. She was balancing Arsalan on her hip, the one-year-old boy being fast asleep on his mother's chest.

"Where is the other one?" Saeedeh asked referring to Amira's first child.

"With his father, picking up the luggage or whatever," Amira rolled her eyes.

"You brought your guards, I have people waiting for us outside, I told you not to!" Hadiyeh scolds.

"Oh, my cher, do not be angry," Amira purs shaking her head, "Plus Abbas gave me the keys," 

The keys clink in her fingers, she had managed to get their old house keys off Abbas, back when they used to live in London they owned a mansion in the westside of London, a few meters away from Buckingham palace, what could you say? their family had expensive taste.

Hadiyeh almost squealed, that house was where they had the best memories growing up. 

"How? I asked Baba and he said no!" Saeedeh snatches the keys. 

"You wanted the house to host parties, I am a mature and married woman," Amira rolls her eyes. 

"Ah, ma reine," Amira's husband appeared from around the corner holding a briefcase, a six-year-old toddler running behind him. He placed his hand at the curve of Amira's spine before turning to his sisters-in-laws' and greeting them politely.

"I assume that you are planning to spend your trip together? I have booked a suite for myself and the children if you want me to take them?" He spoke mostly to his wife. 

"Non, you are here for business, I'll take care of the children," Amira shakes her head.

"Whatever you say ma reine, I must be going, I have told your guards to take care of your luggage, call me if you need anything," He shared a long mouthy kiss with his wife before disappearing his guard and assistant rushing after him.

"You are so french," Saeedeh rolled her eyes in playful disgust. 



Hadiyeh was packing her bags getting ready to fly to America later tonight when her phone buzzed. 

"So what's the deal between you and JJ?" 

It was from an unknown number. 

"We know the only reason he wanted to fight Logan was that he saw us chatting shit about you on live."  - unknown

Hadiyeh rolled her eyes and was about to block the number when she received another text.

"Oh, it's Jake btw." -unknown

Hadiyeh turned her phone off and continued packing, this man was obsessed. 

"Hey love," Hadiyeh pressed a light kiss to JJs cheek as he walked into her apartment.

"Hey, Hads," he laughed pulling her for a proper kiss. Their lips lingering for a while.

"Guess who texted me?" Hadiyeh chuckled giving JJ her phone

"Oh my days, this boy is out of his head." JJ laughed tilting his head back.

During their press conference in America, two days before the fight Hadiyeh was sat on the front row of the press conference and because the press conference was closed to the public. The sidemen were sat upstairs with the birdseye view but Hadiyeh had wanted a closer look and was sat along with the other members of press right at the front. 

JJ had taken lessons from Hadiyeh. Hadiyeh grinned seeing JJ walk into the press conference fashionably late. She had changed her style fitting in perfectly with the press. She gave JJ a discrete nod he returned with a smirk on his face. Whilst all of the big people were talking and were giving their speech, Hadiyeh was fooling around with the professional camera in her hand and was taking pictures of JJ and making faces at him. Viddal and JJ had a lot of fun laughing at Hadiyeh's goofy faces. Hadiyeh had taken pictures of JJ from various angles and to her surprise they hadn't turned out too bad. 

"Why glasses?" She asked twirling the ray bans he was wearing between her fingertips.

"I didn't want to see his ugly face." 

"Or were you just high?" Hadiyeh looked at him disappointedly, she and JJ had come a long way from his frat-boy party lifestyle. 

"Only one blunt," He sighed.

"Hm," She raised her brow pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the bedside cupboard. She took it, lighting it with her blue lighter. 

"You never said you smoke?" JJ asked surprised.

"You never said you take drugs," She replied, inhaling the smoke, letting her lungs fill up with the nicotine and tar. It disgusted her. She hated smoking but liked the dramatic effect it had. She would often vape, the liquid having no nicotine in it. 

"Fair." He chuckled and fell next to her taking the cigarette out of her fingers and put it into his own mouth, inhaling it.

She exhaled, the smoke filling their room. 

"How about we make a deal?" He raised his brow at her, the puffs of smoke leaving his mouth as he spoke.

"Hm?" She hummed snatching the cigarette back.

"You stop smoking and I'll stop partying." 

"I don't have a problem with you partying, I have a problem with you taking drugs." 

"No drugs, no smoke, deal?"

"Deal." She grinned. That's all she wanted. She put the cigarette out using the ash-tray.

"I'm fighting in two days and...?" He hinted his hand snaking around her waist. He was extremely turned on by her smoking, he had never thought he'd find smoking attractive. He doesn't. But something about those innocent lips wrapped around a cigarette made his length jump. They had been married for over a year but there was still so much about her that he didn't know about.

Written: 31/08/2021

Published: 05/08/2021

(A/N: Double update cuz sidemen Sunday! Annnddd on another note... Hadiyeh got a cameo in @JJ0latunji 's book It Takes Two so it would be gas if yall check out her book, It's one of the very few books that I keep up with cuz it's fucking amazing <3)

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