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It was Hadiyeh's turn to arrange a Sidemen Sunday video idea. They had always planned on going to Europe for one of these and the fans had always requested one, so it was up to her to arrange it.

It wasn't that difficult to keep it a secret considering the fact that JJ was always in the studio recording to perfect his album and that she had asked their management to change the password of the emailing accounts so that Josh didn't have any access to see what was happening.

She had also stopped unloading on Youtube for a few weeks, for no apart reason besides the fact that she was busy parenting.

When spinning the wheel she had desperately wanted Ethan to land on the good team but fortune wasn't on her side. Ethan, Simon, Josh and Vik had ended up on the bad team, JJ, Tobi and Harry on the good team. She knew that Ethan was definitely going to accuse her of cheating, but if it happens then it happens and Hadiyeh truly had no control over the wheel.

"Tell me! I swear I won't tell anyone!" JJ promised, trying to pry about who is on the good team and who is on the bad team.

"No." Hadiyeh shook her head childishly turning to Simon to try and engage in conversation.

"How's Talia been?" She asked, Hadiyeh had been so busy arranging this holiday that she had completely forgotten to socialise with her friends.

"Good." Simon wasn't in the mood to engage in conversation he had a foul feeling that he was going to be on the bad team.

JJ huffed and turned around to take play with Jannah who was happily hugging her favourite soft toy and sucking on her pacifier.

When they arrived at the airport, the others were already there.

"Where you been lads? We've been waiting for you for almost an hour!"

"Somone couldn't find our boarding passes!" Simon sent a shady look at Hadiyeh who stuck her tongue out in response.

"He's lying, JJ wouldn't come out of the shower." Hadiyeh rolled her eyes and JJ looked her up and down kissing his teeth playfully as he cradled Jannah over his shoulder as she looked bewildered at the crowd gathering behind his head, with their phones out, taking pictures of the group of famous YouTubers.

"Anyway!" Hadiyeh called for the boys' attention, "Camera's on!"

"So guys, we usually give Josh the responsibility to plan out these videos, but this time, I had too much time on my hands and I had no idea what to do, so I had a look on Reddit and saw that Europe £20,000 vs £200 pound was a popular request, so here we are, I've done this randomly, so no complaining from either group."

"I swear to god Hads if I'm on the bad team again I'm throwing a fit."

"You're already throwing a fit, shut up." Hadiyeh didn't like getting interrupted.

"There are two teams, the orange and purple team, the orange team on this side and the purple team on the other," She motioned with her hands vaguely in the places she wanted the boys to stand.

"Who wants to know where they stand first?" She pushed to make the teams not wanting to drag out the intro much longer seeing a crowd build up around them.

"It gets quieter every time we do this doesn't it?" Simon looked around, about to volunteer himself, when Josh took a step forward.

"It's my first time in either team so it's only fair for me to go first," He said.

"Orange." Hadiyeh motioned for him to step to his team's side, "And joining you on the team is JJ and Tobi."

"So we're all on the other team?!" Ethan jumped.

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