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"There is no way I'm wearing that." Hadiyeh and Saeedeh were stood staring at the dresses they were going to have to wear as the groom's sisters and they were not pretty. At all. 

"It's not that bad." JJ grinned looking at the dresses. 

"You're right their monstrous," Saeedeh grunted. 

"You could still pull it off." Tobi shrugged, his hand intertwining with Saeedeh's.

"Yeah, you two could literally wear anything and pull it off." JJ shrugged, his hand snaking around Hadiyeh's waist the other holding Jannah on his hip.

They were gathered in a tailor shop in Dubai staring at the dresses that the bride and groom had picked out. 

"I don't think she's very fond of you." JJ laughed. 

"I wouldn't put it past her, have you seen her?" Saeedeh chuckled, she and Abbas had always been closer.

"No, I only talked to him a few days ago." Hadiyeh shrugged, she hadn't been back to Dubai in a while, and even now, they hadn't gone back home, JJ, Tobi, Saeedeh and Hadiyeh had rented an apartment complex in Dubai for a few days as they prepared for the wedding.

 "Aw, she's one right bitch." Saeedeh rolled her eyes.

"Don't work yourself up, Ez." Tobi leaned his chin on Saeedeh's shoulder. 

"And we're the ones that are in love apparently." JJ laughed, pointing over at his best friend and sister in law having a moment.

"Oh, I think they're going to be perfect." Hadiyeh mused.

"Mrs and Miss Ezra!" The woman from inside the shop called for Hadiyeh and Saeedeh to come in for their fitting. 

"That's our call." Saeedeh pulled away from Tobi, a flustered blush on her now rosy cheeks. 


"How is university going?" Ameera, Areeba, Adrian, Alex, Tobi, JJ, Saeedeh and Hadiyeh were all sat at one table in the wedding hall, excluded from the crowd.

"Sucks, but I'm doing well, might just get my degree and quit." 

"A neurosurgeon is a massive career opportunity, you'll do amazing." Alex nodded. 

"So you lot, we've been gone for almost a few years and none of you has any news?" Hadiyeh turned to her best friends who were giggling with each other, clearly hiding something big.

"We're pregnant!" Areeba announced, her hands intertwined with her sisters.

"So what? You just had a date in the calendar?" JJ chuckled.

"No." Alex and Adrian laughed, "It kind of just happened." 

"We're so happy for you!" Saeedeh and Hadiyeh congratulated their best friends on the epic news.

Later on, during the evening, JJ was staring amazed at the number of people gathered in the wedding hall. 

"And we thought African weddings were big." Tobi laughed, nudging JJ who chuckled. 

"Hads and I had to keep it on the low, but you two best have the biggest wedding in our group." JJ looked at his best mate, who would have thought that one day he would be able to say that he was part of the Ezra family?

"Yeah, maybe." Tobi chuckled, sipping on the juice. 

"And they don't even need alcohol to be this happy, like how?" 

"We Muslims just happen to be very lively people." Saeedeh laughed appearing next to Tobi. 

"Yeah, we can tell," 

"Where's Hads?" JJ turned to see Hadiyeh, not at the table. 

"On the dancefloor, look, she's leading the dabke line." Saeedeh pointing out at Hadiyeh dancing with a bunch of men in a line, commencing the dabke line.

"I wish I could dance like them," Tobi chuckled, looking at the men in their tuxes moving their legs like there was no tomorrow.

"You can, it's not that hard." Saeedeh laughed, tugging on Tobi's hand, pulling him towards the dancefloor, just as they reached the floor, Hadiyeh handed the line to Saeedeh and Tobi moving to find JJ.

"Who knew you could dance like that?" 

"You, of all people should know." She laughed loudly taking a sleepy Jannah into her arms, the poor baby was tired out of her wits, she would usually be asleep in her cot right now.

"I do, just wanted to remind you." He grinned, fixing the bandanna on his head.

"Do you want to go home?" She asked the baby infant who nodded whining quietly. 

"Yeah, I think we should," JJ chuckled, "Me and Jannah will go, you can stay, you know, it's your brother's wedding after all."

"I'd rather not, the bride happens to be quite the bitch," Hadiyeh breathed out, "We'll go home together,"

JJ nodded picking up Hadiyeh's purse and his phone off the table leading them out of the wedding hall. They got into one of the luxury cars parked outside and gave the driver their address. 

"Hads?" JJ had just come back from putting Jannah to bed.

"Hm?" She hummed, removing her makeup whilst she was sat in front of the vanity.

"Do you think we'll have another child?"

"Yeah, probably,"

"No, I mean, like our own flesh."

"Jannah is our own flesh?" Hadiyeh turned to JJ with a raised brow, what did he mean? Jannah was theirs, and no one could tell her any different.

"I know that, but no pregnancy?" He asked, looking at her through the mirror as he took his bandana off.

"My body is too pretty to be stretched out just yet, maybe in a few years," She said, throwing the dirty make-up wipe into the bin.

"Can't argue with facts." He grinned, pulling her into their massive bed by her waist. 

"Was all of that just for you to get laid tonight?" She raised her brow playfully.

"No, but I don't see why not?" He smiled as she sat on his abdomen with a smirk on her lips.

"Oh, what a gentleman you are." She laughed, tying his hands to the bedposts. The wedding wouldn't be over until a few hours, meaning until Tobi and Saeedeh returned they had a few hours together.



"Yeah?" He turned to Hadiyeh who was still in bed, he was up earlier than usual, Jannah had been crying for her bottle and Hadiyeh had looked so peaceful in her sleep that he didn't want to wake her up.

"Did you put on a condom last night?" This morning when she threw her empty water bottle into the bin in their room, she couldn't see a condom in it.

"I can't remember." He shrugged. 

"Shit." She swore, suddenly very more awake and alert. She had stopped taking the pill after their argument four months ago.

"What?" JJ asked, also more awake than he needed to be, "You're still on the pill aren't you?"

"No, JJ I stopped, I thought you put a condom on!" 

"I had my hands tied!" 


Written: 27/09/2021

Published: 29/09/2021

(A/N: My teacher almost creeped up on me whilst I published this on the skl laptops lmaooo)

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