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Hadiyeh had fallen asleep on JJ's lap as they waited for Josh and the boys to arrive. She was straddling him her head resting on his shoulder as she slept. He felt guilty for guilt-tripping Hadiyeh into adopting Jannah, he hadn't realised that adopting a child would take so much of a toll on both of them, especially Hadiyeh.

"Hads!" Hadiyeh was startled awake from Saeedeh yelling.

"What?" She grunted, still half asleep.

"Where are her nappies?"

"Ask JJ he was meant to pack her bag this morning." Hadiyeh closed her
eyes again. 

The next time she woke up was when the doorbell rang, she moved to the couch, wanting to allow JJ to greet his friends. 

"Hads!" Harry and Ethan toppled over Hadiyeh's sleeping figure. 

"Lads," Hadiyeh winced, their weight was pulling on her hip.

"Oh fuck!" Harry was quick to get up, Ethan following suit.

Hadiyeh got up and gave her best friends proper hugs.

"Hey," Saeedeh greeted Tobi with a small side hug, whilst also trying to balance Jannah on her other arm.

"Here," Tobi took the child from Saeedeh, out of all the boys he was the most experienced with children. His brother had a child a few months ago and Tobi had often volunteered to babysit.

"Lads, I have dinner arrangements for tonight, so we need to get filming, and I have to stream," Josh tried not to look over at Jannah knowing that he too would get distracted by the now laughing child.

"She likes me!" Tobi cheered making faces at the baby in his arms who giggled at his silly facial expressions.

"Can I hold her?" Vik asked. His girlfriend had recently had growing baby fever, every time they saw a child in the streets she would look at the child in awe and coo. Now looking at the beautiful bundle of joy in Tobi's hands he understood why. The child is adorable.

Hadiyeh nodded, she was too tired to even talk, she was saving her energy for when the cameras would turn on and she'd have to act happy and bubbly.

"Watch her neck!" JJ pounced up to adjust Vik's arms. He was very protective of his baby girl.

Vik was uncomfortable holding the baby. He had no idea how to hold her, nor how to rock her. Jannah had sensed his uneasiness and had begun withering in his grasp.

"You are hopeless!" Josh laughed taking the child into his arms and holding it over his shoulder, patting her back gently before she burst into tears.

All the moving had made Jannah's stomach uneasy and within seconds of being held in Josh's arms she threw up. All the milk and bile in her stomach ending up on his brand new sidemen hoodie. Hadiyeh and the boys burst into laughter, as Josh grimaced and Jannah cried.


Poor Josh looked panicked. He didn't know what to do. He had sick over his back and a crying child in his arms. His friends were little help, all they did was laugh at his situation. Hadiyeh composed herself wiping the tear off her cheek before taking the child from Josh and cradling her until she stopped crying.

"Saeedeh, pass me the pacifier," Hadiyeh demanded.


They filmed their 1-hour long video and filmed two MoreSidemen channel videos, by the time they were done it was early in the afternoon.

"Go it's fine. I have the girls over and Ethan and Harry will be there to help," Hadiyeh promised JJ.

"You sure? because recording can wait." JJ hadn't wanted Hadiyeh to feel as though she had to do all of the parenting.

"I promise." Hadiyeh kissed him gently. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip wanting to deepen the kiss.  The last time they did anything was after she was discharged from the hospital almost a month ago and his right hand did very little to satisfy him.

She pulled away. "After your done recording."

"But Hads!" He bit back the whine at the back of his throat.

"I know," she mused a sly smirk on her face, "now go." She pushed him lightly making him chuckle. Yet he nodded and bid her goodbye.

Later on Hadiyeh, Talia, Ethan, Harry, Tobi and Saeedeh were all gathered in Hadiyeh and JJ's master bedroom.

"Hads?" Ethan mused falling onto the bed next to Jannah, fidgetting with one of her toys.


"Are you ever going to tell her that you aren't her real parents?" He asked poking Jannah's nose making her laugh.

"Probably," Hadiyeh shrugged.

"I still don't get it, you adopted your ex's daughter?" Harry questioned in disbelief. He was busy poking around Hadiyeh's vanity.

"None of his family wanted her saying it was a girl and her mothers family said that she was a bad luck omen," Hadiyeh rolled her eyes, she never understood how they could blame children for their own mistakes.

"Bullshit, what has she done?" Talia scoffed.

"Exactly," Hadiyeh agrees. Just as she speaks Saeedeh comes into the room holding Jannah's microwaved milk.

"What does it even taste like?" Harry snatched the bottle out of Saeedeh's hands.

"Taste it." Hadiyeh dares for him to try some of it.

"Yeah, bog odds on," Ethan nudges Harry with his socked foot


"3, 2, 1!"

"3! They both burst at the same time.

"Go on then," Ethan pushes.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, he unscrewed the top and drank from it.

"It tastes better than actual milk!" He yelled as though he had discovered the cure to cancer.

Ethan and the girls burst into laughter.

"Can I hold her?" Harry asked for Hadiyeh's permission.

"I wouldn't trust him holding your child." Talia jokes, referring to Harry's reputation with children.

"You can hold her after she has drunk her milk," Hadiyeh chuckled taking the baby into her arms. Jannah's big hazel eyes followed the bottle of milk intently.

As soon as Hadiyeh picks up Jannah, her phone rings she hands Jannah and her bottle over to Saeedeh as she leaves the room to pick up the call.

"Hadiyeh, you and JJ have to film a video." Her manager hadn't even bothered asking about how Hadiyeh was doing. 

"Nice talking to you too," She rolled her eyes. 

"Your fans have caught onto your relationship with JJ, you need to film a video, I've talked to your manager and he has said the same, now that your fans have seen him wearing his marriage band you're going to have to make things public." Her manager had pretended not to hear Hadiyeh's comment, they were in deep shit and needed to pick things up immediately before the fans started unsubscribing and unfollowing.

"So what the fuck do I film?" 

"A Q & A, assumptions, mukbang, podcast, I don't know something where you address your relationship with a full story."

"What about Jannah?" 

"Tell them, it'll save you from having to hide her," Her manager sighs. 

"Okay, anything else?" 

"No, take care, you have a meeting early tomorrow." 

"Okay, bye." 


Written: 12/09/2021

Published: 12/09/2021

(A/N: Double update who? Double update ME!)

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