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After reading JJ's letter Hadiyeh had packed her stuff, she was going to Paris, for two to three days, she had a very important meeting with a very important man. Hadiyeh's clothing and her make-up line was quickly progressing and some very rich Italian man had wanted to take his hand in the business, he had wanted his company to sell Innocent.

His business is what you would call a multi-million business.

Giorgio Armani.

He himself was not the owner of the business, simply the son of Giorgio himself, his father was close to his retirement age and had wanted to hand over his business to his son, so his son was currently the one making the deals and signing the contracts.

"Hads?" Saaeedeh had wedding blues.

"Yeah?" She mused holding Jannah in her arms, trying to change her into her airport outfit as the child drank from her bottle.

"What if next year I won't like him as much as I do now? What if we fell out of love?"

"Saeedeh, darling, if you don't want to do this, I can book you a flight right now and we can meet up in Paris." Hadiyeh didn't want to tell Saeedeh to not go through with the wedding, nor did she want to force her into something she was having second thoughts about.

"I don't want to do this." Saeedeh was panicking, badly.

"That's fine," Hadiyeh had put Jannah down and all her attention was on the voice from behind the screen, her sister had been there for her through thick and thin and would always back her. And right now, Saeedeh was in desperate need of her sister's comfort.

"Pack a small bag, I'm booking you a flight now, we can get away in Paris," Hadiyeh promised, her voice calm and collected, if she needed to keep Saeedeh together, she had to also seem secure and confident in her words.

"Okay." Her sister nodded from the other side of the line, unaware of the fact that Hadiyeh couldn't see her.

"I'll see you in France." Hadiyeh ended the call.

Last night Tobi had told Abbas and Hamza that he was going to propose to Saeedeh, she had heard the servants talking about the proposal and she had panicked calling the first person she knew would have her back. Hadiyeh.

She had paced back and forth, something didn't sit right with her, she felt as though she was sat in a car that had gone out of control. She was going head-first into a relationship that could easily fall apart. It wasn't the age gap that bothered her, it was the fact that things had moved too quickly for her liking, or too slowly, because she had always wanted to get married and have children, but it was as though this wasn't the time, she was overwhelmed and needed some time away from everything, so she quietly packed a small suitcase and crept out of the house.

Hadiyeh on the other hand still had business to attend to. She had handed her suite card back to the gentleman behind the desk.

"Madam, last night there was a gentleman here to see you."

"Yes I am aware, your security came to my room," Hadiyeh said whilst signing the checking out.

"He left you this." The young gentleman who didn't look much older than 18 handed Hadiyeh an envelope from under the desk.

"Thank you." Hadiyeh thanked the man, taking the envelope.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay," The man smiled politely bidding them goodbye.


"Hads!" The younger Ezra embraced Hadiyeh into her arms, she had never been so happy to see her sister, waiting there for her with open arms.

"Saeedeh Mohammad Ezra, what are we going to do with you?" Hadiyeh chuckled letting go of her sister.

"I do love him I really do, I'm just not ready yet and I hope he understands that I text him before the flight and told him I'm going on a trip and I won't be back for a few days and I told-"

"Saeedeh." Hadiyeh stops her sister anxious rambling, "It's fine, you don't need to explain it to me, this trip is boy-free because you know what sister? We deserve this. No boys for two days. Zip. Zero-"

"Nada." Saeedeh finished off. When they went to school this was a phase their mother repeated often. No boys. zip, zero, nada.

"Now, I don't know about you but I can smell croissants from here." Hadiyeh grinned pointing at a cafe in the airport as they waited for their uber to arrive.

"Amira would love this," Saeedeh smirked.

"I'm sure she and her amore have had enough croissants in their lifetime." Hadiyeh rolled her eyes playfully as she wheeled Jannah's pram into the deserted cafe and seated herself at the very back. It was still quite early in the morning and the airport was still relatively empty.

A waitress had come up to them asking for their orders in Engish when Hadiyeh and Saeedeh both replied in French. They were good french speakers, they easily picked up languages when growing up, a benefit of going to one of Dubai's most international schools.

As they sat in comfortable conversation the bell above the door rang indicating a new customer. Hadiyeh and Saeedeh paid it no mind until a very tall, broad, dark-haired man approached them, towering over their sitting figures. His hair pushed back into a ponytail, his eyebrows brushed out perfectly and his suede navy suit laying perfectly on his built figure. 

"Mrs and Miss Ezra?" He cleared his throat, both Hadiyeh and Saeedeh turned to look at the man, usually, Hadiyeh would have expected him to be a fan. But this gentleman didn't look like a fan. More like a greek god.

"How can I help you?" Hadiyeh was the first to collect herself. She had seen plenty of attractive men in her lifetime, but there was something special about this one. He had a mischievous glint in his gaze.

"I'm Diaz Armani, nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for her to shake.

Written: 23/09/2021

Published: 24/09/2021

(A/N: So somethings brewing!!)

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