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The next afternoon, when Hadiyeh and JJ had finally decided to get out of bed, they went downstairs to find the living room crowded with their friends, drinking on the couch, all of them waiting for Hadiyeh. 

"Good afternoon you lazy bastards!" Harry greeted them boisterously.

"Watch it," JJ growled, holding Jannah in his arms.

"Good afternoon to you too." She smiled rolling her eyes.

"Why are you lot all here?"

"Some idiot wanted to give you a second birthday so we're all sat here in a circle waiting for you to blow out a candle," Vik replied, his hand around his girlfriend's waist. 

"You did what?" Hadiyeh turned to JJ with round eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, it's your birthday." JJ shrugged off her gratitude with a smile, "You deserve it."

"Happy birthday dear Hads! Happy birthday to you!" Their friends sang merrily as Hadiyeh blew out the candles, beaming happily. 

"Cake and then presents!" 

An hour later Hadiyeh had opened most of the presents all being luxurious and expensive items, the last few that was left was Faith's present, Hadiyeh had been so busy for the last few days that she hadn't gotten round to meet her properly. 

"Oh my days, you shouldn't have, thank you!" Hadiyeh smiled over at the girl who was sat next to Ethan, they had their hands intertwined on his lap.

"Happy birthday," She replied politely as Hadiyeh undid the wrapping paper and inside was two baby dresses for Jannah and two chiffon scarves for Hadiyeh, she was sure she already had scarves the same colour in her closet but none less she thanked her with gratitude. 

"Of all people you shouldn't have got me anything," She turned to JJ who had pulled out a velvet box from his pocket.

"It is your birthday, take it as a gift and apology," He smiled handing a small velvet box to Hadiyeh, inside was probably a very expensive piece of jewellery, or that's what she thought anyway. But what she hadn't expected was for inside the velvet box to be a key. 

"You wouldn't have." Hadiyeh turned to JJ in disbelief. 

"With Jannah getting older and we need more room, so-"

"So you decided to buy a house?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"Mhm," He hummed nodding, seeing Hadiyeh so happy was so rare and wonderful, "Happy birthday."

"I love you." She awed hugging her husband. 

"I love you so much more." He cooed at her excitement, happy that he could finally make up for his mistakes. 

The next few days they partied and danced. The boys had a lot of fun, including Jannah, who was happily passed around like pass the parcel between her uncles and aunts. She was a very sociable child and enjoyed the company of people. Especially her aunt Tia and Uncle Biz who had recently become her favourite.


A few days later Hadiyeh was sat at the dining table with Jannah in her arms as she looked for furniture for their new house when her phone suddenly rang. Abbas.

"I had thought you had lost my phone number," She mused picking up the call.

"Oh my dear sister, never." 

"Then you have something very important to tell me?"

"Can I not call my favourite sister and ask her about how she's doing?"

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