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The boys one by one decided to find an excuse to exit the dining room. Leaving Hadiyeh, JJ, Talia and Saeedeh. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Have you checked your phone, by any chance?" Saeedeh was the first to speak.


"Well, you might want to."

Hadiyeh was confused but regardless she turned on her phone and saw her inbox filled with @ and people were spamming her inbox with pictures.

She opened her Instagram and there was a picture. Multiple accounts had reposted that same picture and it was a picture of JJ pushing Gracey against the wall his lips on hers.


JJ was tired. His album was due in a few months, as soon as Covid was over he was planning on releasing All Over The Place to the world, he knew that this album was by far one of his best works, all he had to do was record one more song and it would all be done. His time was split between Hadiyeh and Jannah, the gym, organising videos, filming and the studio. He had barely got any time to himself and Hadiyeh. So that evening when he came home, he saw Hadiyeh sitting with Jannah on her lap, reciting Quran to her. Anytime that Hadiyh would sit down and recite Quran it would automatically send Jannah to sleep. 

"Hey love," Hadiyeh lifted her head after Jannah was successfully snoring in her arms. It was the first time in weeks when he had shown up early, usually, he would leave the house the crack ass of dawn and arrive back home around eight when Hadiyeh and Jannah would have fallen asleep in bed, waiting for him to arrive.

"Hey," He gave her a tired smile, he felt like shit. He needed with Hadiyeh, something that they rarely got anymore. It was nice not seeing Hadiyeh asleep, not that he minded, she always looked so cute, cuddled next to their child. 

"Here, let me put her in her bed and we can talk," Hadiyeh smiled, getting up to put Jannah into the little cot that they got her in the spare room. They were slowly furnishing the room, usually, couples have nine months to plan things out for their child, JJ and Hadiyeh hadn't even had Jannah for nine months. 

"What's wrong?" She asked as she lay on the bed next to JJ, her fingers moving to his head to take out his hair tie. He had gone through a rough week and Hadiyeh understood that, she was more than happy and willing to spend some time together.

"I don't know," He sighed, "It's just too much Hads, I'm- ugh- I don't even know!" 

"It's okay," She breathed out, he was frustrated and annoyed with everything and everyone including himself. 

"No, it's not." He shook his head. 

"It never is," She chuckled, "Nothing is ever alright, yet, we're always here, together,"

He nodded. Nothing could change the fact that they were united, no matter what came their way they would always stand together.

She sighed and pulled him into a hug. You know, like one of those hugs. He breathed in her scent of comfort, reminding himself that no matter what they would always have each other to fall back on. 


"Haz," Hadiyeh held a very sad Harry in her arms. Harry's brother had passed away this morning due to COVID and Hadiyeh had been the first to show up to his apartment with some food and tissues. Breaking the guidelines only a bit. In her defence, she had taken a COVID test and it was negative.

The man continued to fall apart in her arms as she held him protectively. She had never been where he was and had no idea about what to say to make him feel better, so she simply held him. Callux and Callum had both left the apartment and were on holiday in Ibiza with Ethan and Vik.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye," Harry wiped his eyes using the palm of his hands. 

"I know, I can't imagine what it's like," She shook her head sorrowfully, "We could give go to where he is buried, you know, you might feel better talking to him, give him a proper goodbye?"

He nodded. Maybe it would make him feel better talking to his brothers grave. Give him the proper send-off, one that he deserved. He was so thankful that Hadiyeh had shown up, Harry wasn't one to cover up the fact that he was a bit broken around the edges and Hadiyeh always managed to bring out the best in him, no matter what.

Hadiyeh and Harry along with Harry's family were stood inside a church graveyard looking at the stone buried in the ground. Hadiyeh didn't have much to say, she gave a small prayer under her breath and listened to Mr Lewis' speech. It was a small funeral, because of COVID they couldn't have a real funeral, it was simply the Lewis family along with Hadiyeh, who had only come because she knew that Harry wasn't in a state that he could drive.

Hadiyeh had bought them back to Harry's apartment and was sat in the living room as Harry swayed in the apartment humming to the music playing in his head. 

"Harry, please," Hadiyeh pulled the bottle of champagne out of Harry's hand. This was his second bottle and it's already half empty.

"Fuck off," Harry snapped pulling harder, the champagne bottle was tossed out of his hand going crashing into the wall and shattering. 

"Is that what you fucking wanted?"

"Harry," Hadiyeh sighs, "You need to stop drinking!"

"Who are you, my girlfriend?"

"No, but god I feel sorry for any woman who would date you if this is how you're going to treat her!"

"I would have dated you!" He yelled, fully aware as to what was going on, he knew that being drunk would be the perfect excuse to get things off his chest, to tell Hadiyeh what he was feeling all these years "I would have fucking asked you out five years ago if you and JJ already didn't have a thing! It should have been me in that white suit, I should be the father of that child!"

Hadiyeh was taken aback. What was he on about? She thought that it was clear to the both of them that anything between them was platonic. Strictly platonic.

"We're friends." She gives him an inquisitive look.

"TO YOU!" He threw his hands out aspirated, "I've fucking loved you for so long and I've stayed silent because you love him!"


"Get out!" He cuts her off. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Hadiyeh understood that he was feeling overwhelmed, she picked up her purse and left, leaving the apartment door ajar. She couldn't believe her ears, what Harry had said left her puzzled and surprised, there was no way that he could possibly like her. 

"Yeah?" Josh picked up his phone after two rings.

"Josh, come to Harry's house, he needs someone to be there for him and we got into an argument, I can't stay-"

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine, I'll be there in a few." He cuts off her string of words.

"Don't tell him I sent you,"

"I won't," Josh promises before ending the call.

Driving home there was only one thought in her head. 

Drunk words are sober thoughts.

Written: 1609/2021

published: 16/09/2021

(A/N: I accidentally published this last time so I'm super sorry lol) 

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