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JJ and Hadiyeh had kept baby Jannah Olatunji-Ezra away from the world. From the moment that they stepped into the airport till the moment, they left they had cameras and microphones shoved up their faces. Hadiyeh and JJ left separately to avoid getting trampled on. JJ had left first, the press was quick to get onto him, and whilst they were distracted Hadiyeh had taken Jannah and had disappeared out of the airport's back door. They met up in the car. 

"I might have fucked up," JJ winced as he sat in the car. Waiting for Hadiyeh's reaction. 

"Hm?" She hummed arching her brow, nothing JJ could do would surprise her at this point. 

"I forgot to take off-"

"-your ring." Hadiyeh sighs. 

She knew it would come eventually and it might as well be them to give the world the news rather than to hear it from Rayan's lips when he comes out of prison. 

"I'm sorry." He looks down at his ringed finger, twisting the ring around with his right thumb and forefinger. 

"Don't be." She shook her head kissing his cheek softly, "It would have happened eventually, and we can't hide for much longer JJ, we have a child now."

"I know, I can't wait for the boys to see Jannah," He whispered lying his head on Hadiyeh's shoulder as he cooed over the sleeping child lying on her lap.

"Same," She chuckled. 

When Hadiyeh and JJ arrived home they saw an exceptional sight. All of their friends were stood outside of their door, excited to greet them. 

"You had us so worried!" Talia scolded. 

"You were sat at home whilst I was fighting to stay alive!" Hadiyeh joked, she had handed Jannah to Saeedeh to put her into the master bedroom, not wanting to wake the child up as their friend made a racket. In all honestly, both Hadiyeh and JJ were very tired and jet-lagged. 

"So what's her name?" Simon asked as they had all come in and sat down, with drinks in their hands. 

"I said Hoda she said Jannah," JJ chuckled holding his glass of champagne in his hands, taking small cautious sips, not wanting to get wasted tonight.

"So?" Vik turned to Hadiyeh, "You named it Hanna?"

"No, we settled for Jannah," JJ replied, chuckling.

That evening they talked and laughed as though Hadiyeh and JJ had returned from holiday. JJ and Hadiyeh both slept soundly next to each other with their little baby girl sleeping peacefully between them. 

This is how everything should be. This was finally their happily ever after, yet there was still so much ahead of them. So so much that neither of them could think of nor predict. 


That morning Hadiyeh had called over Saeedeh to babysit whilst she and JJ went to shoot a new sidemen video. Spending 10,000 on each other. 

Hadiyeh had already received the text from Josh telling her who she is meant to be shopping for. Simon. 

She found this a great excuse to talk to her best friend and do some luxury shopping. 

"Hey, Minter." She gave him a bro-hug as he opened the door of his apartment. 

"Morning Hads, where is JJ?" He rubbed his eyes. what? He was up late streaming last night.

"Feeding Jay," She chuckled, they had taken turns last night, the little rebel would wake up every two hours with an excuse to cry about something, whether she needed changing, to be rocked or to be fed. Hadiyeh was a light sleeper and woke up all throughout the night and now it was JJ's turn to take care of the child whilst she got a bit of alone time to herself.

"I thought you said Saeedeh's coming round?" Talia appeared out of the corner, hugging Hadiyeh tightly as though they hadn't seen each other in forever because it felt like that too, last night Hadiyeh had been so busy greeting everyone that she and Talia had little time between themselves.

"She is, but until then JJ's got the duty of babysitting," She chuckled yawning, last night had been tough.

"I can't believe JJ, like, not smashing that child into pieces when it cries," Simon laughed at the thought of JJ maintaining his patients with that child.

"He was the first to sign the papers," Hadiyeh chuckled. 

"No way!" Simon's eyes widened. 

"Yeah totally, he loves her more than he loves me," She laughed, and as though on cue the door knocked with JJ, Jannah and Saeedeh standing outside. 

"Hey, sis." Saeedeh smiled kissing Hadiyeh's cheek. A sisterly gesture passed on from generations before them.

"Hi, thanks for coming," Hadiyeh smiled embracing her sister.

"Are we ready to go shopping?" JJ asks handing the child over to Saeedeh, he hadn't thought being apparent would be easy but he hadn't thought it would be this hard either.

"Sure, but we've got to wait for Josh and the boys to come round ours first." Simon grinned.

Written: 11/09/2021
Published: 12/09/2021

(A/N: get ready for the sidemen being uncles next chapter!)

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