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Hadiyeh's POV:

"So guys, I just wanted to hop onto here to clear up a few of the pictures you guys saw of JJ and me in front of the studio..."

 Hadiyeh and the girls listened intently. 

"So you know, JJ and that side hoe girl are together, but I know it might be hard for her fans to understand, but that's okay, Jide and I are together, we have been since forever." She giggled as someone from off-camera laughed with her.

"She did not just-" Talia came jumping to Hadiyeh's defence. 

"Yeah, so, basically, I knew this day would come that's why we've always had to sneak around the fans and everything, but basically his manager had talked to her manager and to I don't know promote his new album that's coming out soon or some shit that those two should date and to make it more believable they adopted a child from the adoption centre and named it," She paused her sentence to laugh along with her friends, making a mockery of Hadiyeh and Jannah, "They fucking adopted that child you lot, it's not even their own child!" 

Hadiyeh felt her heart fall to her stomach, it was as though someone had plunged a knife into her already broken heart and twisted the blade. Her heart didn't ache for herself but for Jannah, one day her child would get older and see these videos posted about her on the internet, she would look at her parents in disbelief. 

Hadiyeh stared at the screen in disbelief, the words coming from Gracey's mouth sounded mute to her deaf ears, her headspace no longer in the present, everything that she had thought she would at least be able to forget for tonight came crashing down. The entire universe came plummeting down right onto her already heavy shoulders. 

Saeedeh was quick to snatch her phone out of her sister's grasp and turned it off. Nothing that woman said made sense. Every word that came out of her mouth was a lie and no one could do anything to stop it. 

"Hadiyeh-" Talia pulled Hadiyeh into her arms and held her. Hadiyeh didn't know what happened but suddenly the sob that she had been choking back had burst and she let it out. All of it. She sobbed in her best friends' arms as they all joined the group hug, all trying to hold together Hadiyeh's broken soul.

The next morning Hadiyeh did exactly as she planned to. Pink hair. Pink henna. Neon pink lingerie that complimented her henna perfectly. As well as a chic long pink abaya with a matching hijab and neon pink heels, she had even gone through the effort of dressing Jannah in bright pink designer. This wasn't for anyone but herself. Today was her day and if anything about JJ came out she had simply decided not to care.

That day she and her girls went on what she liked to call 'retail therapy' something proven very efficient in repairing a broken heart. Every corner they turned people stared and took photos, they hadn't planned on being quiet or running away from people's gaze. She planned on being seen. If their relationship was public, if his cheating pictures were public then she had nothing to hide, Hadiyeh living her best life would also be public. They shopped till they physically couldn't hold any more designer bags. Channel to Gucci to Versace they had gone into every high-end shop and emptied the shelves. 


Whilst she was doing all of this, JJ has sat alone in the dark empty apartment scrolling through his feed and all he was seeing was Hadiyeh and her friends shopping on Oxford Street the fans on their tails taking pictures of them left and right. She didn't care. Or at least that's what she acted like. She pretended to not care. JJ however was never good at lying. His manager and lawyer had filed a multimillion court case against Gracey for defamation of character.

*knock* *knock*

He opened his door and in came Simon, Tobi and Saeedeh barging past him. 

"We want to hear everything, from your lips," Saeedeh sat on the couch throwing her feet up on the table. It didn't look like a table anymore, more like a dumpster where JJ had left all his takeaway food packaging. Saeedeh had used the excuse of university classes to leave Hadiyeh's hotel room earlier that morning, she planned on finding out what had happened, tabloids and fan pages didn't provide any efficient information. 

"What you did wasn't cool, but we can't see you and Hads acting so salty towards each other." Simon sighed rubbing his eyes, he was by far the most hurt, he and JJ were best friends since years before the sidemen even started. And for JJ to do something like this and not tell him was an atrocity, and that he and Hadiyeh were literally like inseparable siblings.

"What do you want to know?" He flopped onto the couch, he wasn't in the mood.

"Everything." Tobi sat down next to Saeedeh his hand around her waist as Simon sat next to them. 

"Let's start with what happened in the studio." Saeedeh started.

"She was flirting with me, it was friendly because you know, we were friends and that, and every time she said anything I kept bringing up Hads, I was even wearing my ring," He pointed out the ring that had been on his finger for the past few weeks, refusing to take off the note that reminded him that he and Hadiyeh were still married, "Then as soon as we stepped out of the studio she said something like 'I'm sorry' and snogged me!" 

"Why didn't you tell Hadiyeh after it happened?" Tobi pointed out.

"Because I didn't think people took pictures?!" 

"So if there weren't any pictures you wouldn't have told Hads?" Simon looked at him in disbelief.


After their day out Hadiyeh and Jannah had gone back to their hotel room, both falling fast asleep, tired from the salon and shopping. Talia and Freya on the other hand had other plans. After dropping off Hadiyeh, they had gone to pay someone a visit. 

Written: 19/09/2021

published: 19/09/2021

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