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Hadiyeh hadn't expected JJ to sigh and pull her into a hug. She wasn't feeling well. After Amira's information, all of Hadiyeh's blood had drained from her face and she couldn't help but let herself be embraced by him. His warmth comforting her mind that was racing a million thoughts an hour. 

Hadiyeh breathed in his scent. She loved Dior, but something about him just smelling like soap and a hint of masculinity made her melt in his arms. 



"I thought you said he was married?" 

"He was, he killed his wife and god knows what happened to his children." Hadiyeh couldn't bear the thought of a man killing his child.

JJ held Hadiyeh as tears streamed down her face. That man would be in England soon and god knows what would happen if he was to ever find their address.

That night was bitter. Hadiyeh woke up at least three times by the nightmares that haunted her. She had seen what that man was capable of first-hand years ago, now, five years down the line she knew that he hadn't gotten any better if anything he was now a monster. 

That morning when JJ had gone for a run, she had insisted that he take a bodyguard or someone else with him, but to no avail, he was still adamant about having no one come with him, he refused to take her worry seriously.

While JJ was out for a run Hadiyeh received a message. 

"I thought your ex would like to know where you are? -It's Jake btw if you've forgotten." 

Hadiyeh physically felt her heartbeat race and her mind cloud. Her hands trembled as she picked up her phone.

"Ur a dickhead." -Hadiyeh

"What? U scared?" -Jake

Hadiyeh's mind was filled with so much anger and frustration she threw her phone at the wall, the sound of it shattering satisfied her. What she didn't know was that Jake had been in contact with Rayan for the past few weeks and had already sent Rayan Hadiyeh and JJ's addresses it was only a matter of time before Rayan turned up at their doorstep.


"Ethan open the door! Ethan!" Hadiyeh banged on the door waiting for Ethan to open the bathroom door.

"Ethan I swear to God if you don't open the door im breaking it!" She swore.

Josh had texted her that Ethan wasn't picking up his phone and Hadiyeh had come to his apartment to see if he was okay, but the door was left ajar, so she invited herself in and inside called for him, she would have left if she hadn't heard the tap open and the sound of gushing water coming in from the bathroom.

Ethan hesitantly opens the door. His hands were bloody, stained with his own crimson blood.

"Ethan." She whispered taking his hand in hers and looking at the blood over his hands.

"Im sorry." He whispered looking down at his hands held in hers in disbelief.

"No, you're not." She looked at him trying to hide the disappointment on her face. She gently ran her finger over his new cut. She took his hand and pulled him into the kitchen and got him to sit on the counter and she bandaged his cuts.

"Im sorry. I didn't- I didn't-"

"Sh, sh, sh, it's okay, it's okay, I've got you." She whispered holding his head against her shoulder allowing him to let out his sobs.

"Why?" She whispered after he had calmed down, handing him a tissue and glass of water.

He shrugged.

"Ethan, I need you to talk to me," she murmured.

"Why? So you can go tell everyone how much of a pussy I am? Tell them how weak I am that I relapsed? Huh? So they lock me up in one of them psychic wards, call me mentally ill?"

"No," she shook her head almost ashamed to understand that people would think these things about someone who is struggling, "I've never said a bad word against you, you know that yourself and I've always heard that bottling up feelings isn't good for you, so I'd rather you talk to me."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes jumping off the contour.

"I heard there is a new series on HBO." Hadiyeh raised her brow as he left the kitchen and she packed up the first aid kit, "or we could just watch friends?"

"Friends."Ethan nodded

Hadiyeh nodded and shoved the medical box into one of the kitchen cabinets and followed him out. They sat on the couch and watched an old series of friends on his massive TV. Both of them falling asleep a moment later.

Written: 02/09/2021

Published: 07/09/2021

(A/N: I want to give y'all a double update, so let me know if I should, because mans really tired)

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