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"We're going to Dubai?" 

"Yep," Hadiyeh popped the 'p' with a childish smile on her face as she sat in front of the vanity applying light make-up for the shoot.

"Sure, but we're going to miss this sidemen shoot," JJ said cradling Jannah in his arms.

"Well, idiot, if you had paid attention during the past week, someone took on the duty for your yellow cards, and now you don't have to do a video." She said factually. 

"What about the moving truck coming this week," 

"Don't worry, we're only going to be gone for three days." 

"Should I pack?"

"I've already packed mine and Jannah's and your suit, just your comfort clothes,"

"When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, but I'm meeting with Ethan and Harry, Ethan's going to the beach with his girlfriend and wanted us to tag along." 

"Alright, take care," He nodded, sharing a kiss with his wife, exchanging her cherry lip balm.

"My favourite," He licked his lips making Hadiyeh grimace. 

"You're disgusting." Hadiyeh rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yet charming." He grinned. 

"Keep telling yourself that." Hadiyeh joked.

"So you're telling me you disagree?" 

"Nah, I very much agree." She smiled, reapplying her cherry lip balm.

"Thought so."

"Alright, Mr Charming, would you please be a gentleman and get me an uber?"

"Of course Mrs Charming."

She laughed boisterously, wrapping her hijab around her pink hair that was now fading. She needed to go to the salon to sort it out, maybe she and Faith should go for a spa day out. She was already very fond of the girl. One of the very few that she had accepted so quickly into their friendship group.


"Hads!" Ethan cried out seeing his best friend step out of her range rover.

"Ethan!" She replied in the same tone, embracing the younger ginger man.

"So, either I'm really early or I'm really late?"

"Nah," He shrugged, "You're exactly on time, boggo is setting up the picnic and Faith's gone to pick up her friends."

"Nice," She mused as they walked alongside each other to the beach. 

Just a moment later, she was met with Harry who was awkwardly standing by the ice cream van, ordering. 'sh' she motioned for Ethan to stay silent as she crept up on Harry.

"HAZ!" She yelled, poking his sides.

"AH!" He yelped, jumping almost a meter high as Hadiyeh and Ethan burst out laughing.

"You bastards!" He curst at them, smiling. 

"Hey, Harrold." She grinned hugging the taller man who gladly took her into his arms.

"You best have got ice cream for all of us." She said pulling away.

"What am I a bank?"

"Nah, but you're rich." She joked, moving next to him to order.

They were sitting there lying on the sand, Ethan and Harry both leaning on Hadiyeh's shoulders waiting for Behzinga's girlfriend to arrive.

"So, you're dating now aren't you?"

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