£3: What Happened?!?

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Im sorry it took me a while to get this chapter out. I was extremely busy. So due to the long wait i am going to make this chapter as long as i can make it. Also I am now using bold letters because at first i would type this up on my IPad. So yeah. Lets get started!

Alright, so I'm assuming you know the routine by now, skip down to the bold letters so you don't loose as many brain cells. It's optional, but I'd recommend it.

Ty's Pov

I woke up on the ground outside of the Team Crafted base walls. How on Earth did I get here? I stood up, almost falling because it felt like there was a bunch of weights on my back.


"Who's there?" I asked. No reply. Just silence, I better get back to the base. I don't even know how long I've been here. I walk to the Team Crafted Castle. When I enter everone is there in the living room. All eyes turn to me.

"Oh my God..." Said Quentin with a stunned look.

"Ty...Whats happened to you?" Adam asked standing up.

"What? How long have I been gone? Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked, concerned.

It was then when I started to get nervous.

Adams Pov

"So we all know Ty's been gone for about a day and a half now right?" I asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

I opened my mouth to say something, but got cut off by someone entering the castle. We all looked over, completely stunned. It was Ty. But he was different.

"Oh my God..." Said Quintin with a stunned look.

"Ty...Whats happened to you?" I asked, standing up

A concerned look crossed onto his face. "What? How long have I been gone? Why is everyone looking at me?" He really didn't know.

I started to walk towards him slowly, but stopped dead when his eyes flashed purple for a few seconds. My left foot went back a bit, even though I didn't tell it to.

"Wh-Whats wrong?" He asked, looking like he was about to cry.

"Ty, you've been gone for over a day."


"You might want to take a look at this." Ian passed him a mirror.

Ty's Pov

Ian tossed me a mirror. I looked at my reflection to see it was the same one I had seen in my mirror before.

I backed up. "No. No no no no no no no!"

Yes. And you will watch them all die Deadlox.

My vision started getting purple and black. Thats when I passed out.

Adam's Pov

When Ty looked at his reflection, he backed up saying no.

I walked towards him slowly, the others watching.

He looked up at me. The look in his Green eyes...I'd never seen it before. I really had never seen Ty so scared. I was really concerned. I was a few feet away, when his eyes started turning from Bright Green to a glowing purple. Same with his headset.

"T-ty?" I asked.


I walk over to him and touched his shoulder slightly.

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now