£9: Adventure

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Hey guys sorry it took so long to get this out but i want to thank you for your patience. So i want to dedicate this chapter to ChibiSasukeUchiha for being one of my most recent followers. Check out her books about Chidara. So yeah enjoy Chapter 9: Adventure.

Seto's Pov

We left early in the morning. Adam's wife watched the team crafted base for us while we were in the forest following the map the Ty gave to me. We were in the forest for about 10 minutes before Adams phone rang.

"Hello?.....What?.....Ok calm down I-.....Ant just-........WHAT?!?!?!.....Ok ok I-.....Ant?...Ant?.....ANT?!?!?!" He dropped his arm a minute later and started squeezing the phone.

"Adam...?" Jason walked up to him.

Adams Pov

I was walking with everyone until my phone rang. It was Ant.


"Adam! I cant! Its not-"


"Its, I mean- but he's-"

"Ok calm down I-"

"No, Its destroyed! I cant do it! I-"

"Ant just-"

"Its Ty. He's destroying our village! He wont stop!"


"I never thought he'd come fo-*Crackleing noise*"




"*Sound of phone being picked up* Ant is fine but him as well as everyone else is badly injured. Some might even be...You know...Dead. Give me the map, and I wont do anything else that might involve people being hurt. Dont give me the map, and I'll kill and hurt more innocent people. The choice is yours...*Sound of phone disconnecting*"

I put the phone down and grip it so tight it almost breaks.

"Adam?" Jason walked up to me. "Adam whats wrong?"

Dont tell. It will only make it harder

I looked up and saw Seto looking directly at me. The others were looking to but, Seto's glance is actually focused on mine.

Yeah its Seto. Im talking to you through telepathy. Don't tell the others. What we are doing is the only way we can get Ty back. If we give him the map-well, lets just say it wont turn out good.


Seto's Pov

I heard what Ant said, and if Adam tells them, I have a feeling that whatever Ty is trying to tell us wight be ruined.

"Adam?" Jason said waving his hand in front of his face. Jerome and Mitch started snickering.

"Huh? Oh, that was just Ant. He was saying it so fast that I could barely understand him. But he's going to the Team Crafted base. I tried to tell him Alicia was watching it but he hung up." He said. He did a good job at lying. I didnt even think he'd do that good.

"Ok then. Lets get moving" I said. Adam nodded.

And we were off again.


Day quickly became night, and we still had a few miles left to walk, so we set up camp.

"You got any food?" Jerome asked.

"Lets see here...we got......" Mitch started. "Fish!" He said holding up two fish.


"IM AN AMPHIBIAN!!!" Quinten yelled.

"Guys stop." Jason said.

"And for Jason we have.....Pork chops!"

"YOU KILLED JEFFERY?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU!!!!!" Jason yelled quickly standing up.

Jerome attacked Mitch pinning him down. Mitch grabbed a nearby fish and threw it at Jerome, who quickly jumped away. He jumped right into Ian falling on him and almost knocking his sunglasses off. Ian pushed Jerome off, who turned around quickly enough to throw the fish that Mitch threw back at him. Mitch ducked and the fish hit Adam. Everyone stopped to look. Adam pulled the fish off his face.

"This isnt-" But he got cut off from another fish hitting him. "OK NOW ITS ON!!!"

Adam grabbed some butter and threw it at Jerome's feet, who slipped and fell. Everyone except Jerome and Quinten jumped up. I froze them midair.

"This isnt the time to be fighting. We have a limited amount of time to get to The Temple Of Eternity. We need alot of energy in the morning to continue our journey. This is NOT the time to be fighting! Ty wants us to get there, and we cant let him down! So stop fighting for five seconds!!!" I think i was a bit too rough at the end, because it sounded like i growled, and everyone had flinched.

I set them down and they instantly stopped.

"Right...Lets just eat, and go to bed." Adam said. We all nodded in response.

After we ate, we did just go to bed. But this night isnt going to be as peaceful as it was suppose to be...

?????'s Pov (Hint: Its not Enderlox, Herobrine, or Notch.)

Its almost time...time for me to make my move. I can see him right now. So...vulnerable... There wont be another chance like this one... I'll have to make my move... I can sense all of his power...Seto...you will be mine once again......

OOOOHHHHH! CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Tee hee hee. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Who is it? Who wants Seto? Guess you'll have to find out.....Ya know what. Just because im SO nice, I'll give you a sneak peek to the next chapter:

Seto's Pov

I can hear my friends, calling for me, but for some reason, i cant move. Im frozen in my spot. He's getting closer. Closer. Closer...I looked into his deep ocean blue eyes, then i realized who he was... no. Who SHE was...

"Sentasia?" I asked

You like it? Well thats a preview of the next chapter: Reunion And Discovery. But until that chapter comes out, this is AwesomeKattyK, signing out for now.

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