£25: A Hybrid's Battle {Part One}

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Jason's Pov

"You son of a bitch..." I growled, immense heat forming in my hands. Enderlox grinned.

"Now Jason, no need to be so-" I couldn't stand it. I suddenly had him pinned to the ground, my hands wrapped tightly around his neck. A small glare replaced his overconfident look. From the corner of my eye, I saw his claws extract, and he slashed my face. Warm blood ran down my cheek, and an explosion set from both my hands around his neck. As the smoke cleared, I saw bruises around his neck. He spat out blood.

"You're getting on my nerves." He growled at me.

"And you're getting on mine." I held out my hand, and a wither bomb came out. Enderlox jumped out of the way, leaving a crater where he was standing. Hovering in the air, he looked down at the destruction. I used this to my advantage, and threw a wither bomb at him. Quickly looking up, he put up his hand to catch my bomb, making it explode in his hand. Moving backwards a bit, he shook his hand.

"Jason you should really learn to know your place." Enderlox growled at me. I glared back.

"I know my place, the problem is you don't know yours." I charged at him, my two helmets following me. Smirking, he did the same. Our hands both collided, and energy immediately burst out in a wave. From behind Enderlox, I saw Mitch creating a large fireball, and when he threw it, I immediately jumped away from them. The fire caused smoke, and before I knew it, he'd jumped out of the smoke, punching me in the face. I slid backwards a bit, but used my claw to keep upright. Standing straight, I spat out some blood. My heart pounded in my chest, and thoughts raced through my mind,

What if we couldn't do it?
What if more people die?
What if Ty isn't alive in there?

No, there was no time to think of the possible outcomes this would end in.

A small wave of dissiness fell upon me, but I ignored it, and flew straight forwards.

Adam's Pov

Another sidestep to avoid Dawn's attack soon followed once more. She wasn't backing off at all.

"Dawn please stop." I held my hand in front of me.

"Adam I don't think she's gonna stop anytime soon." Jerome landed next to me after a jump to avoid another attack. I sighed, he was right.

"Dawn I'm sorry I gotta do this. Water Gun!" Quintin came up from behind and used a Pokemon move. Dawn turned around as it splashed all over her. I was surprised when he actually began to hiss in pain, the water burning her skin. That's when I remembered that she was part enderman now.

She's my friend, I don't know what to do!

Seto's Pov

I ran inside the Team Crafted base, Noah and Jordan following me. We ran into the Library, and into the room that was made for me. Using my magic, I got down a book on the top shelf of my bookcase that held ancient books.

"Seto, what's that?" Jordan looked over my shoulder, Noah soon following.

"A special recipe book from a long time ago." I used my magic to flip through the pages until I found what I was looking for.

"Alright, I'm going to need your help."

Enderlox's Pov

"Jason, give up. You don't stand a chance, even with your new powers." I grinned, but he still charged me. Setting a distraction with my tail, I got a large attack ready. He fell for it, and I sent him flying with a large blast.

"Jason!!" Mitch called out, seeing the dust rise from where he fell.

"I warned you, but you didn't listen. No matter. It's no-" I stopped, my eyes widening a bit as I saw his figure in the dust. I blinked and he was suddenly in my face.

When did he-?

My thought was cut off when he did a 360, whacking me with his tail harshly. I flew into the wall of the base, finding Jason once again in my face.

"Don't-" It was too late. He swiped his claw down, sending me flying again. I used my wings to regain my balance, before feeling something wet on my cheek. I lifted my hand up to it, then retracted it to see red blood all over. I growled.

"You piece of shit..." I lounged at him, and he held his hand out, sending an explosion. I flew out of the way of its path, and sent my own purple explosion towards him.

Jason's Pov

Red... red... why is everything red? Maroon, scarlet, magenta, pink, orange, yellow... I know this place... don't I? Why is everything so foggy? It's hot... why is it so hot? What happened? I can't remember anything... how did I get here? Where is here? Brown, black, grey... why are the colors getting darker? More red... everything is red... I'm scared... I have friends who will save me right? What are their names... Adam... Ty... I can't think straight... please, someone help me... Red on the floor, red on the ceiling, red on the walls. Make the red go away, please!

O.O what's up with Jason? Oooooooooo cliffy!

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now