£28: Seto's Concoctions

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Seto's Pov

I was working with Noah and Jordan, them helping me create a potion to separate the Dragon from Ty. The book I was using would be confusing to most people, but as a magic user, most of it made sense to me. Mitch was also needed to help with this, for he was able to do things that would take longer if done by me. I could hear him running down the hallway.

"You're in the library right?"

"Yeah, Noah and Jordan are here too." He was silent for a second.

"Alright, I'm here." As he said that, my door opened.

"Alright. Jordan, can you pass me the Ender pearl on my desk?" I asked him, and he did so. Using my magic, I held it in front of Noah.

"Noah, I need you to crush the Ender pearl. Ever since Enderlox came to, I've been unable to break  Ender Pearls." He nodded a bit.

"I dont do this stuff often, but I'll give it a go." Noah held his hand up.

As a child, Noah had been cursed by an unknown force. He was one of only a few. Some believed it was the doings of the-one-none-shall-speak-of. Others thought otherwise, for he had been banished for a long time. Noah never uses the powers that he has unless in dire need.

A white aura emitted from his hand, and the pearl was crushed almost instantly. Before the dust fell to the ground, I quickly used magic to grab hold of it. I put it inside the veil on my desk.

"Okay. Jordan, pour about a fifth of the water bottle next to you into the veil. Mitch, this is where I need you. Although this might sound simple, it's not..." An obsidian block levitated upwards. "I need you to use your fire to melt this." He looked at me.

"What?! You can't melt obsidian, that's insane!" Mitch frowned, and I sighed.

"It's not impossible, just hard to do. It isn't done often because a furnace isn't strong enough to meet the heat required in order to melt it." I explained. He nodded.

"Alright... You ready?" Mitch asked.


Jerome's Pov

"Go!" I jumped on top of Dawn, landing from above. Unfortunately, she teleported out of my grasp. The good news was that we knew that water was a good weapon to use against Dawn. Bad news was we didn't want it to kill her.

"Come on!! Fight me bitches!!!" She yelled, teleport in behind Adam and aiming to punch in the back of his head. But he must of sensed it coming, because he sidestepped out of the way.

"Dawn stop it! I don't want to hurt you!!" Adam landed next to me.

"It's not getting through to her! If we don't do anything now, who knows what will happen! Dawn is a friend to all of us, but we need to stop this." I told him. Sighing, he looked at me.

"The last time we talked was an argument... I meant to apologize, but things popped up out of nowhere... I was going to talk with her after going to the End, but..... God, if she dies now-" I had to cut him off.

"Adam stop. You know she'd forgive you, and probably does right now. We just have to get her ba-" A noise stopped me from continuing. We looked over to see Dawn on the ground, one hand on the ground and one hand on her head. She seemed to be in pain.

Enderlox's Pov

Even with him allowing me to take control of his body, I still found myself struggling. Jason was indeed someone to take note of, but there was something about him that seemed to separate him from the others.

His soul was pure white, which is a rarity in this world. Very few people have a pure soul. She's trying to darken it, but the kid is strong... I have to stop this before something catastrophic happens.

Dawn. She's my final hope. Although she's now loyal to me, I can't afford having anything less than my maximum power level. It would take a minute or two to completely regain all of my strength, but it'd have to do.

As soon as it started, I could here her pain beginning. Unfortunately so could Deadlox.

"What the hell is happening?!"

None of your damn business!

"It is my business! What the fuck is happening?!"

I need my strength in order to win this!

"That doesn't help explain anything!"

I gave some of my strength to your friend, but I need it back! Just shut up and let this happen!

"What?!?! You're hurting her!!!"

It doesn't matter if she's being hurt-

"Of course it does!!!"

No it doesn't!!! She's already dead!!!

It was silent for a moment.

"No she isn't"

Yes she is, my power is the only thing that's keeping her alive. It's too late now! It's her or the three of us!


Seto's Pov

I poured some of the melted obsidian into the glass bottle. I ran through the list of completed ingredients. Melted obsidian, water, the blood of a witch, ender pearl dust, scale of the dragon, an ember from lava.

"Okay, the last thing I need is a piece of his hair."

"What?! How are we going to get that?!" Noah practically yelled.

"Just find his comb or look on his pillow, okay?" I asked. Jordan nodded in response.

"Consider it done. I'll be right back." With that Jordan left the room.

After mixing the ingredients for a few more minutes, Jordan eventually did come back down with a few strands of Ty's hair. Once he gave them to me, I put them into the veil. Purple smoke poofed out of it. We swiped the smoke away, and I looked at the shining purple liquid in my hands, before adding some gunpowder and watching it change shape into a splash potion. Everyone gathered around to see the potion. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"It's finished."

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now