£11: Temple Part 1

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Hey guys, its AwesomeKattyK, and I wanted to say, thank you for all of your support. Since this is a major part of the book it will be split up into multiple chapters. I really dont want to give out too much information about it, but the Pov of the chapter will be changed frequently. But yeah, this chapter is dedicated to Shadowraven101 for (Lamest excuse ever) commenting! Yeah, not the best reason but I needed something. *Bangs head on table* I only have three other people! ARGH!!! But anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Quinten's Pov

"NOTCH?!?!?!" We all exclaimed

"Yes, and I guess you all are wondering why you are here." Notch said.

"Yeah..." Mitch said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, you know your friend, Ty, has been possessed by the Ender Dragon. You guys are here because there is a hybrid form that you need to acquire. Trust me. Follow me." He said.

I looked at Ian, who shrugged. We walked with Notch into a large room. There were several items there.

"Each item is meant for one of you. Go to the one that you feel is drawing you in. Two people at a time. The item that was meant for you, will take you into a different world, to decide which hybrid is connected to you." Notch explained.

"I WANNA GO FIRST!!!" Mitch screamed jumping.

"IF HE'S GOING IM GOING!!!" Yelled Jerome.

"Well, Mitch, Jerome, you go first." Notch said.

Mitch stared at all the objects while Jerome just ran to one. The one Jerome stopped in front of was an ax. The ax glew and went into Jerome's hand, who in a flash of light disappeared. Mitch smirked and ran over to an apple.

"Why do I get the lame one?!" He said.

"Uh, thats my lunch...I was wondering where it went." Notch picked it up, and behind the apple was a bow.

"Now thats more like it!" Mitch said, grabbing it, and disappearing in a light.

(A/N: I laughed while making Notch say 'Uh, thats my lunch...'. I couldnt help it! I was hungry!)

"Quinten, Ian, you're next." Notch said

Ian and I walked together, I stopped in front of a block of TNT, he stopped in front of a sword. They both glew, and then we were somewhere else.

Jason's Pov

I watched as Ian and Quinten disappeared in the same light as Mitch and Jerome.

"Okay, Seto you next." Notch said.

"Just me?" Seto asked.

"Yes, just you. Notch said, pointing at the remaining three items.

"Okay..." Seto said, walking up to a book. He picked it up. It glew and he was gone as well.

"Okay. Then its just you two, Adam and Jason." Notch said.

I walked up to a Nether Star, and Adam walked up to Budder. We both reached out at the same time, and then we were gone.


I woke up, in a large room, with everyone else.

"Bout time you guys got here!" Jerome said.

"Everyone is here I take it?" We heard a voice. Notch.

"Yeah, we're all here." Seto said.

"Okay good. There will be a total of 7 tests that you have to go through. One person wont come out in each round. But they get their hybrid side of themselves. The tests go in this order: Fears, Senses, Self Awareness, Stamina, Trust, Magic, and Willpower. Depending on the situation, there might be an eight test, Reality. Good luck, and here is the first stage, Fear." Notch said.

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