☆¡!Christmas Special!¡☆

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Merry Christmas everyone! Unfortunately I'm having some writers block, but I'm trying my best to get the next chapters out. While your waiting, here's a little present from me to you! This chapter focuses on all the ships! They include the following:
If I happened to miss any, comment which ship and I'll be sure to add it in on my next special! Until then, continue on with your reading experience!

BTW for the sake of it, I'm going to not have any Pov's. Enjoy!

The eight sat together in the living room, laughing under the mistletoe, and wearing goofy sweatshirts and hats. In the center was a pile of wrapped gifts.

"All in favor of voting Ty going first say I!" Seto grinned, looking at Ty.

"Wait what?! You can't just-" Everyone else cut him off with a simultaneous 'I'. Ty crossed his arms and looked at Seto.

"You're just sooo clever aren't you... Fine, I'll go first." It was Christmas day, and everyone had gotten a secret Santa. Ty walked over to the pile and searched for his. It was a small box wrapped in green paper with headsets on them. On the corner, a little note with great handwriting said 'To Ty'.

"Even if I'm the first one going, I'm guessing that Jason is my secret Santa." He looked over at Jason, whom under his helmet was turning pink a bit. "Am I right?" Jason hesitated, but nodded.

"How did you know?" He asked, only to receive a grin.

"You're the only one in this room with decent handwriting." Ty laughed.

"Ey! I have good handwriting!" Adam folded his arms. Mitch pointed at him and laughed.

"Besides these filthy animals, you are definitely the worst!" Mitch pointed at Jerome and Quintin.

"Mitch you traitor! I thought you loved me!" Jerome fake cried.

"Aw biggums, I love ya more than anythin in da wooorld..." Mitch grinned.

"I'm going to open the present now if you guys are done." Ty began to rip open the gift. Inside the wrapper was a box. When Ty opened the box, he found a little piglet eating a carrot. His pupils immediately dialated, and he picked it up.

"It's a pig!" Jerome cried out, gapping. Mitch snickered.

"It's so kawaii...." Ty held it up. "I'm gonna call you Pinky..." He squeezed the piglet.

"I call going next!" Adam jumped onto the ground, basically falling on top of Ty.

"Adam get offf meh..." Ty blew his hair out if his face, only for it to fall right back to where it was. Adam laughed and helped Ty up, who then sat on the couch, hugging his new piglet. Adam leaned down and began to rummage through the gifts till he found his. The outside wrapping paper had butter swords on it, and the words 'Γσ Λdaм'

"Um...I wanna say Mitch." Adam said as he began to unwrap the present.

"Daaarrn, you got me. This isn't so secret if we know each other's handwriting." Mitch laughed, leaning on Jerome.

"Next year we'll print it and not write it." Seto smiled, which followed by a gasp from Adam.

"IT'S A BUDDER PIC!!!!" When Adam pulled the pickaxe out, it was enchanted, and had his name engraved on the handle.

"I was the one who enchanted it, but I took a walk to ask someone to carve your name in. It was a twelve year old kid, and you should have seen the look on his face when he saw that it was him I was talking to." Mitch laughed.

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now