£26: Jason Probst

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Jason's Pov

Bubbling rage, it makes me feel insane! But I'm not insane... right? Aren't I nice? I can't remember... why can't I remember?! Red on the floor, red on the ceiling, red on the walls! Red on my hands, red like a fire, red go away! Adam, he's my friend! He can save me! Ty can save me too! I have more friends...

Please, please stop the red!
Please, please, it hurts my head!

Blood on the ground, blood on the floor, it's all red! The lights are painful! Please, they're hurting my eyes... it's red and orange with yellow! Then Golden lights... wait... that doesn't sound right... why doesn't it sound right?! I hate being confused!

Remember...Remember please! Adam and Ty... there's more, right? I don't just have two friends... do I? No no no... fluffy... something fluffy is close to me... why can't I remember?! Okay, names names, start with names... my name... Shit why can't I think straight?! Okay, okay... it's a 'J' name...

Joey? No, that doesn't sound right... my friends would say my name... Jeffrey? No, that's not it! Someone said it a lot... Jay... Jay...... Jason? That's it! Okay, I got this... where am I? I have eyes... are they open? They feel heavy though... just blink...

Red, it's still red... the ground is rough... why does it hurt?

I sat up, and gasped, backing into a wall. Fire, lava... light on the ceilings... no... no no no... I hear pigs... no, these are more than just pigs... I hear crackling! Make it stop! Something black caught my eye. I turned my head slowly towards it, staring into the eye sockets of a wither skeleton. My heart pounded in my chest, I could hear the beating in my head. I slowly crawled backwards, but with each step it followed me. Getting up, I ran into the Nether rack tunnel. Soon enough I found myself at a dead end. I turned to head back when the wither skeleton pinned me to the ground.

I screamed as loud as I could, but I knew nobody could hear me. Three more came and picked me up, using a rope to tie my hands behind my back. Yelping, I tried to get away, but stopped as a stone sword was held to my throat. As the skeletons guided and pushed me forwards, I saw a pigman pick up my helmet that must have fallen off. There were lots of dents on it, and the glass had cracks, leading to some places that were broken off. Before I could observe more, I got shoved onto a nether brick pathway. I jerked my head backwards, into one of the skeletons head, and wiggled out of the other two. I started running, until something blew up in front of me, causing me to fly backwards.

I hit my head, and it began to hurt a lot. Through the small dizziness, I saw a Ghast. It was probably the cause if it. I soon found myself being picked up from my hair by a wither skeleton. It threw me into another one, who proceeded to drag me to a structure. It was soul sand, three across, and one block under. On the two side blacks there were skeleton heads. I began to panic, struggling on the ground. A skeleton walked up and placed the final head, and an explosion set off.

I found myself caught in the explosion, but it didn't hurt much. When the smoke and embers cleared, I felt my heart sink. There, floating in front of me was the Wither. A bright light flashed, and the next thing I knew, I was watching my friends fight the wither. They didn't know I was here though, but Adam and Ty were dealing a lot of damage.

Wait... Ty?! He's back?!

Everything was confusing, and they seemed to be in control of their hybrid sides. Adam sent lightning down on the Wither, shocking it. He landed next to everyone else.

The wither levitated upwards after being knocked down, eyes changing from black to a glowing white for a few seconds, black fog beginning to form in front of it. Ty lept forwards, attacking it head on.

A strange sensation ran throughout my body, and next thing I know my surroundings seemed to have changed. It even felt as though I was being restricted by something. I heard someone skidding to a stop.

I heard someone- Adam yell my name. As much as I wanted to respond, my body refused to listen to what my mind was telling it to do. Another begging call of my name, and my eyes flared open. I saw everyone in front of me, and images seemed to glitch into reality.

Fear, it ran through my body. I tried to scream Adam's name, but all that came out was a silent whisper. It seemed to be enough, for he sprinted towards me in desperation. A painful heat formed in my chest, slowly making its way around my whole body. I heard someone screaming in pain. I heard... myself... a large wave of energy seemed to push Adam away, and I heard everyone else calling our names. But, then something started to change...

I found myself forcefully grabbing Enderlox's wrists. His face was torn up, and he was bleeding from his hip. I launched myself backwards, trying to process what the hell just happened.

It was a long and uncomfortable stand off...

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now