£16: Outside The Temple Part Two

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Hey everyone, it's another chapter, and that means more awesomeness! I think there should be more Enderlox here, since that is what the story is about. Are you ready for more madness? Well here it comes!

Enderlox's Pov

I entered the cave I'd been living in for a while, then entered a room where I put Dawn on a bed.

"Don't worry, I'll come back to you soon." I smirked as Dawn lied in an eternal nightmare. If something happened to her in the nightmare, there was a 50/50 chance that it'd happen in the real world too.

It was getting late, and I would choose to sleep, or do a night attack. I was wounded from the previous battle, so if I was too reckless I could screw everything up. I let Deadlox take control for a while, so I could think to myself.

Ty's Pov

As soon as I felt my feet hit the jagged cave ground, I found myself running in the direction that Dawn was. It had been a while since I'd last seen her, and this wasn't the way I wanted to see her after a while.

"Dawn! Dawn please say something!" I was shaking her shoulders, but there was no response.

Don't bother. I put her in a deep spell that not even Seto himself is capable of reversing.

"Shut up! I'll get her out of this you bitch!" I hollered.

There's no hope left for her, just give up.

I pounded my fists on the bed she was on, trying to hold back tears.

Damnit...why am I so useless....

Jordan's Pov

It was around 10:00 at night, and I was just about to head to bed when my phone rang.


"Jordan...." The voice was muffled and cracked, but I knew it was Ross.

"Ross?" I heard a cough.

"Y-you gotta hurry...we were attacked, and I think I'm the only one conscious, and just b-barely..." his voice turned hoarse as he coughed a bit more violently.

"Oh my god hang on I'll get the team! Just hang in there!"

"Jordan-" Ross coughed again. "It was him..."

"Ty?" I asked. No answer.

Shit! I have to wake the others!

The first person I went to was Gizzy, and from there we gathered the rest and headed off.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Steve asked, concerned.

"There's no way to know for sure." I said, as we arrived at their base. It was chaos. Burned ground, splashes of blood, broken buildings, you get the point. Everyone split up.

"I found Ross!" I heard Barney. Then I heard heard an 'Oh my god!" From Red.

"I think Kermit is dead..."

"Damnit! This is bad." I said out loud.

"I found Kyle, Max, and Tyler!" Bashur called out.

"I see Ant!" Jin informed.

"Dan is over here!" Tyler [Logdotzip] said.

"Anyone seen Dawn?" I asked. No answer.

"I think Ty took her, because over here there's marks in the dirt but no body" Gizzy said. I growled.

"Even if Adam's not here to approve, we need to bring all of the groups together. He may not be able to take us all on at once." I said. Everyone nodded.

Nobody's Pov

It tool a total of almost three hours to gather everyone. They all met up at the Team Crafted base, since it was the largest. Their base was made for these problems, but it'd mostly be used for squids. They all had their own rooms to go to for those occasions. The people from Team 2 were placed in the infirmary, Kermit placed on a special bed with a blanket pulled over him. It was about four in the morning by the time everyone was done, so they all slept in until about noon.

Enderlox's Pov

After a good rest, I had already chosen out our next victim. I began to fly in the direction where the fourth team was, taking about a half hour to reach. However, when I got there I was surprised to find nobody. It was already getting close to noon, and I needed someone to kill. I flew to Team 5, and there still was nobody there. I began to get upset.

Where are they?! I yelled at Deadlox.

I don't know! And even if I did I wouldn't tell you! This is a big surprise to me as well so screw off.

He did seem honest. I growled at myself.

Fuck, I should have never left that stupid Ross alive. He messed up everything!

I crashed into the base of Team 5. Lots of stuff was packed up in each room. I growled and flew back to my cave.

"If that's the way their going to do it, then I'll use their own against them" I walked over to dawn and sat her upright.

What are you doing to her?! Deadlox screamed at me in the back of my mind.

I'm making her stronger, and she will be under my control until I say she can go back which in her case will be never! They want to play this game, I'll play my own.

I injected her with a serum that would normally cause lots of pain to the one it was injected on, but since she was in my spell, she didn't feel anything. I smirked as Dawns skin began to grow large patches of black ender on her skin. It covered a little bit more than half her face, and I began to laugh.

You bitch...I swear when I get out of here I'll... I'll...

You'll what? Since we are the same, there's nothing you can do about it. I am you, and you are me. Enjoy hell Deadlox...

The transformation on Dawn was complete. One eye was ender, and she had patches of black. She was under my control now, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it.

Enderlox: I Can't Control It (Book One In 'The Four Words' Book Series)[#Wattys]Where stories live. Discover now