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Again it's a usual weekend evening. The road to the 'Golden Hills', the luxury apartment complex at the east side of Gagnam district, drowned in heavy traffic. It is practically a forbidden area for those working class people who leading their lives with relatively low income. Instead the top business men and the celebrities are the living beings in those apartment complexes. The yellow and reddish street light reflected on those luxury vehicles which patiently waiting on the highway for the signal change. So many huge buildings including those grand shopping malls, company head offices, clothing shops, hotels... etc decorated both sides of the highway as an epitome of the city life.

Everyone is busy with their own business exactly like their high speedy cars carelessly overtaking others and flying to their respective destinations without giving a shit to others!

While patiently waiting in his black Porsche in the traffic, Kim Taehyung looked at his side seat and slightly smiled.

His seven years old daughter Crystal Kim, Sitting there while staring at the front gate of the theme park, which only partially visible behind those huge buildings, through the closed window.

She is a cute little girl who has a pair of mesmerizing crystal eyes and also the beloved of her appa and his family. He chuckled at her,

"Why are you staring at that gate again? Last week we went to there, right?"

She turned towards him and pouted, "Appa... Its just because I can see so many kids there and sometimes I get a chance to play with them too.."

She carefully wrapped a cute brownish Pomeranian puppy on her lap and caressed its head. Yeontan is actually a gift from her father on her seventh birthday and she became too much happy to have a companion to play with. Taehyung slightly poked on her left cheek,

"Don't worry, you can go and play in the park near our home."

She whined "But that's not at all fun! Everybody has their own friends... " She lowered her head "... And their ommas also come sometimes. They will not allow them to play with me!"

Taehyung widened his eyes "Why? My baby is very much cute and lovely..."

She again averted her gaze to outside "... They will say to them that my omma is a bad woman! So I will be a bad influence on them! And they sometimes question me about my omma..." She tried very hard to not cry.

Taehyung's heart shattered into pieces and a tear escaped from his left eye. He bit his lip in order to prevent his overwhelmed emotion now! He caressed her shoulder length silky hair,

"My baby is appa's everything. Don't listen to those fake friends... If you have any worries, then share them with appa or halmony or harabuji... Ok?"

He continued still caressing her hair and cheek "....hmmm... If you really like it, then we can go to the theme park on every weekends."

Her eyes glittered and she smiled at him, "Really? Then we can go once in two weekends. Crys knows very well that appa is a busy person!" She said like a matured girl making Taehyung made a dramatic exclamation! The signal changed soon and he again started the engine.

When reached at their home, which one of those rarest apartments have beautiful river views, he picked up the grocery covers from the trunk and a sleeping daughter of him from the side seat. Then pressed the code and entered into his home.

After placing the groceries in the kitchen he went to Crystal's room and carefully placed her snoring figure onto the soft pink bed. Then went back to do his chores like arranging the things, cleaning the rooms, wash the cloths etc. Since they already had their dinner from the outside, he can reduce that from his bucket list for now.

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