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"Ok, little guardian, tell me his name and age!"

"His name is Kim Taehyung and his age is...age?" She adorably scratched on her head. Then began to think hardly!

Leona patiently waited and looked at her.


"😳! 😆😆😆..."

"Halmony says he is three!"

"Really? So he is only three?" Leona whispered the last part!

Meanwhile Taehyung bulged his eyes and dropped his jaw upon hearing his daughter from the other room. He looked at Eva, who is now already friends with him!

"Little Eva, what do you think about my age?"

"Six!" She didn't even thought twice!

He laughed helplessly. "Why?"

"Eva is five. So appa is six!" She made her point clear. And he again laughed there.

"Yea! Yea! Six is better than three!"

Leona entered with some medicines and the prescription. "Patient Kim Taehyung, age three, here is your medicine."

He awkwardly received it and side glared at Crystal. "Come home, you little brat!"

"Take enough rest Mr. Kim. I think you are behaving like this because of your age!" She adviced him with a serious face!

"Can you add a zero beside this three? It's very embarrassing! They will tease me to death..." He pointed at his age.

"No Mr. Kim. Your guardian said so. And of course there is a hidden zero before three. Right?"

"Yah, forgive me about our past confrontations ok? Now...can you...mmm?"

"That is it!" She added a zero after three while he is taking out his purse in order to pay for the medicine. Then gave her some notes, obviously more than actual fee. She smiled and only pulled out enough money from his fingers.

"Only fees. No tip. And you are welcome!"

"But I didn't say thank you!" He smirked.

"Never mind!😁!" She smirked back. And he placed back his purse inside his pocket.

While they are walking back to the yard she asked from the door, "Can you walk? Should I call Kino to help you?"

"I will walk slowly..." He stopped a little and looked back,

"...Thank you Leo!"

She surprised at his slightly smiling face!

"Oh! Eva told you that?"

"Isn't it like that?"

"It's Leona, Leona Kang!" She smiled back.

"But...mmm, you know Leo is more comfortable...to call!" He doesn't even understood he is Straightforwardly flirting now!

And she doesn't know why, but hearing her nick name from this handsome man made her heart slightly flutter and her cheeks felt the heat of her own blood.

"Thank...you!! Well...I mean Ha! Ha!..."

He also blushed seeing her blushing!

"Bye, See you later..."

"Bye...ah, go through that road. Don't take steps."

She and Eva watched them slowly walking through the road until they disappeared from their eyes.

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