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On the Saturday, Leona took half day leave from the hospital and returned. She needs to get ready for today's gathering. It's been years... She eloped from the city! May be her enemies back then still thinking that she is defeated already. But now, it's the chance for her to show them that she is back.

Jessica came and picked her up from her home.

"Where are they? Yah, you should take them to show off today." Sica pouted.

"They are going to amusement park today. There is some special event taking place at night." She dramatically leaned back and waved her hands "They only needs their appa. Who am I?"

"My Adam is out of reach! God knows where they are now! Yesterday Steve told me they are going to Finland." Sica also sighed with her.

"Yah, you! You really are too free to be a mom. Right? Lucky bitch!" Leona made a crooked face at her.

"Hehe!😁!" Sica smiled. "Steve likes to travel. I like business. Adam also prefer roaming around the world with his father. Even if I want to take him here, he will be bored to death."

They reached at their venue during their long conversations. It was a grand restaurant Jessica specially booked because they couldn't arrange it in their college today.

"Shit, seems like most of them are here already. Senior Jaebom will kill me today for being late." Sica cursed.

"Yeah! After all, you are the coordinator." Leona agreed casually.

"Oh! Can the princess get down from the sedan?" Sica bowed before the car.

Inside the huge decorated Hall most of the guests arrived and already began to rewinding their past and talking about their current life. Few of Leona's opposite gang members sat together looked around.

"Hey, do you think our college beauty will arrive?" Lizzo asked.

"Who? Oh...Kang Leona? Before that the position always settled for our Mijoo. I don't know where did she came and snatched away. Hmph! Because of her boyfriends supporters she got so many votes." Soya rolled her eyes.

"But what? Senior Mark already thrown her away and married someone nice. Country bumpkins will always country bumpkins! She thought she became a precious swan after some achievements here and there. Actually she was using her beauty!" Miryo sipped some wine.

The center of the subject Mijoo sat in the prominent seat like a princess and enjoyed others! She too was a great admirer of Mark but he only looked at Leona. So it became a thorn in the foot for her. 'Now what? That country bumpkin bitch couldn't get onto his bed! And shamelessly thrown away! Huhuhu! It's worthy if she came today!"

"Heh! She will not come. Don't you heard she ran back to where she came from and hiding there all these times? All of us have secured our jobs and life. Do you think the former beauty queen can look onto our face?" She smirked.

"Tsk! Tsk! Feathers of same bird will always stick together! Look at those bitchy faces!" Minnie, one of Leona's friends rolled her eyes at the gang sitting far away from them.

"Don't worry. Sica told us Leo will come tonight. Let's wait for their retribution. You sit there. Look at you, your stomach became this big. Yet you jumping around like a grasshopper!" Nayeon scolded the pregnant Minnie.

"It's been years I saw Leo. If I was there at that time I already killed that Mark! How dare he? Hmph!" Hyeji gritted her teeth.

"Ok. Ok. Let's wait for them." Nayeon comforted them.

At the same time the boys also talking about the same thing. Because Mijoo already here. Both of them were great competitors in the college. But the latter has not only beauty but brain also! Most of them wanted to confess but Mark was faster than them! Even though some of them brought their wives, they still waited for the protagonist's arrival.

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