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Hello everyone, it's been a while hasn't it? I've decided to come on here because this is my most read story ever, and I have an announcement I'd like to get as far and wide as possible.

So, as some of you might know, and others might not, I have been very inactive the past year. Some might think I just stopped writing because I got bored or lost inspiration.
The truth is, I've been very busy working on my own, original story. For the past 9 months, I have been writing a lot, but I still haven't been able to finish my manuscript, but I plan on finishing it in the next few weeks.

Now here's why I've come on here. I plan on physically self-publishing the book, which will be the first one in a trilogy. Since I'm rather young (15 at the moment) and have absolutely no media attention in any way, I must use every outlet i have to get the message around.

I have a public instagram account purely devoted to posting and updating about the book.

Just so everyone knows, the book probably won't be out until this time next year, considering I still have a lot to figure out about self-publishing, and trying to juggle school at the same time.

But if anyone were to be interested, here are some of the tropes in my book:
-enemies to lovers
-dagger to the throat
-found family
-"Who did this to you"
-wakes them up from a nightmare
-badass female characters
-(in the sequel and third book) lgbtq+ characters
-dagger strapped to the thigh
-fighting and running through hallways in ballgowns

And lots of things I'm not disclosing just yet.

the instagram account on which you can follow me is:

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