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(yn)'s p.o.v.

we sit down on the couch and she's shivering.
'Oliver where are the blankets?' i ask.
he points to a closet under the tv.
i take a blanket and put over her.
'are you okay telling us, cause if you're not comfortable with telling us you don't have to tell us.' Barry says.
'i'm okay with it.' she nods and sighes.
'so it was just another day, we were sitting at the table eating lunch when the ground started to shake' she says and looks at the ground.

'the door of the cafeteria was kicked in and soldiers with kids who were hidding in the city walked in. the normal kids ran out the school but the kids who were with me-' she stopped and swallows
'they stumbled back right into the hands of other soldiers. before they slit everyone's troats someone got a call, he said ''you got it'' then paused and nodded, he then did a hand gesture and everyone's troats were slit, a soldier walked up to me and pointed a transporter at me, and then send me here.' she said.

i thought about what she said
you got it
'a day before you came, a soldier broke into my room and took the only piece of evidence i had. could it be they were talking to him.' i ask her.
'could be possible.' she says.
she seemed to think about something
'what did he wear?' she asked.
'what does that matter?' i ask her.
'just tell me please.' she says.
'um a black mask that covered his nose and mouth and a completely black suit.' i said.

her facial expression changes.
'you know him don't you.' i says.
'i've heard of him.' she says.
'he's an assassin for the organisation.' she says.
'ya not shit.' i say.
'(yn).' Oliver says, and he nudges to the swear jar.
i put a dollar in it and go back to Febe.
'what do you know?' i ask her.
'he started 5 months ago but already has 78 confirmed kills, nobody knows who he is and even when they do, they're killed within 24 houres.' she says.

'he never misses a shot, even from 8 buildings away, they say he has a certain look in his eyes when he killes someone' she looks me in the eyes
'a look of pleasure.' she says.
'does he have a name?' i ask her.
'they call him ferox.' she says.
'latin for bad.' i translate for the superheroes.
'he has the exact same technique you have.' she tells me.
'so same training.' i say.
she nods

i know this is a shitty chapter
but i needed to post something
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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