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3rd persons p.o.v.

'common (yn), kick harder!' Oliver yelled.
'i'm trying okay.' she yelled back.
'trying is going to get you nowhere in  a fight.' he says sassy.
'wow thanks dad, for that amazing peptalk.' she says sarcastically.
'okay we're done for today guys!!' Oliver yells.
all the teenagers groan and drop on the floor.
'how is it that this is more exhausting then the organisation?' Vic asks.
'how am i supposed to know?' (yn) answers sassy.

Vic rolls over and starts tickling her.
'n-n-no t-tick-linggg HAHAAA!!!' she screams as they both lie on the ground laughing their asses of.
'okay kids, go shower, dinner's at 7.' Barry says.
'copy that.' they all say and we walk into the elevator.
Oliver sighes.
'i don't know what it is, but in some way, they always make me laugh.' he says.
'wauw they've accomplished something we never could.' Barry snickers.

'oh shut up.' Oliver smacks his arm.
'common we need to make dinner,
we got 5 exhausted teenagers, who will go into survival mode and eat us if we don't give them anything.' Caitlyn says.
they walk into the elevator and go up.
when they step out of the elevator, they are greeted with the screams of the 5 teenagers.
'Vic it's my turn to shower first!!!' Febe yells.
'no your turn was yesterday!!!!' he yells back.

'why are they fighting over the shower, there are 10 in the entire building?' Oliver asks.
'maybe because i told them there were only two.' Wells snickers.
'WHAT?!' they hear (yn) yell.
'GUUUUUUUYYYYS!!!' she runs back up the stairs.
'oh we're gonna have to explain a lot at dinner.' Sarah says.

when the kids come down the stairs they're all talking and being mad and all that.
'why didn't you tell us there were more showers?' Zita asks.
'i have been showering in the girls hair for 5 weeks now, and i couldnve just showered somewhere else?!' Stan yells.
the superheroes burst out laughing and fall of their chairs.
the kids their eyes glow and the superheroes see that as a sign to stop laughing.

but then it's the kids' turn to start laughing.
'd-did they r-really think w-we woul h-hurt them!' (yn) yells and she almost trips.
the kids laugh their buts of almost fall to the ground.
'ya ya, very funny, sit and eat, we need to tell you something.' Cisco says.
'ooh sounds serious.' Stan says.
they sit down and listen.
'so kids, we have decided that you can go to school.' Oliver says.

all their eyes widen in shock.
'you're kidding.' Vic says.
'school?!' (yn) asks.
'yes school.' Caitlyn says.
'YES!' they all yell and they hug.
they run to each individual parent and hug them.
'thank you so much.' they jump up and down.
'we figured that, now is your time to be a kid, and being locked up in a superhero mansion isn't going to give you the entire teenager package, so, starting next week, you'll attend Queens high school for gifted kids.' Oliver says.

'there are kids there that are like you, who have powers, you'll have the normal lessons like math and science and all that, but every week you'll also have power training.' Barry says.
the kids look at each other and smile from ear to ear.
'thank you so much.' they all say.
'now we can bring oner to our name.' Stan says.
the kids smirk and wisper in each others ears.
'we'll be the troubled kids of Queens high school!' Vic yells.
'don't you dare.' Oliver says.
'watch us.' (yn) says sassy.

voila and that was 'we're the troubled kids'
did you like it
i hope you did
there is another story in line
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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