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Vic's p.o.v.

i try to sneak out of my dads office but i hear footsteps.
i put the file in jacket and go sit in one of the chairs.
i hear the door open and look behind me.
'Vic? What are you doing here?' he asks.
'um i was just waiting for you, how did the meeting go?' i ask him.
'um well, we found out that the kids know the patern, so we are changing the date of the next attack to tommorow morning.' he says and my heard stops.

'um dad, sinds the last attack my arm has been hurting, so i just want to let it rest, so i'm ready for the real attack.' i say touching my arm.
'oh um, well, if you want to do that, then i'm behind your decision.' he says.
'go to your room and rest a bit, so you're ready when we attack.' he says.
i walk out of his office and go lie on my bed.
i need to escape, but the only chance i have, is when they leave for the next attack.
but that will be at cost of all those innocent kids.

(yn)'s p.o.v.

when Stan woke up, we went downstairs and sat down at the table.
'are the satellites scanning for Zita and her kids?' i ask.
'ya, they are scanning all over the world, we'll find her in no time at this rate.' Oliver says.
'and what will happen when we find them, won't ARGUS be a bit suspicious when 70 unknown kids arrive at the superhero mansion?' Febe asks.
'we'll fly them here with my private jet and give them a new identity so ARGUS won't find them.' Oliver says.

'And what about us?' Stan asks.
Everyone looks at each other and Barry nods.
'guys, we've been thinking and we want to ask you something.' Sarah says.
'oookkaaaay?' we all say a bit confused.
we sit down on the couch and look at them.
'what's up?' Febe says.
'well we've been thinking a bit and-' Oliver waits a bit and looks at all the superheroes.
'we would like to adopt you guys, after this is all over.' our jaws drop and our eyes go wide.

'WHAT?' we yell in unision.
'ya, we don't want you guys to be alone anymore, and if we adopt you, we can protect you from ARGUS.' Barry says
i feel my stomach twist and my face heat up.
'i don't feel so good.' i stand up and run to the badroom.
i trow up and look at the silver liquid in the toilet.
i wipe my mouth and go back to the living room.

'are you okay?' Caitlyn asks.
'ya i'm fine.' i look at the ground.
'so what do you think?' Cisco says.
Oliver slaps his arm.
'what?!' he says confused.
but before we can answer, the ground starts to tremble.
'oh no.' Stan says.
'the next attack isn't supposed to happen until two weeks!' i yell while running outside with the rest.
the portal is already entirely formed when we find it.

we run to it, just in time to catch Zita when she falls out.
she's shaking and wimpering and Stan and Febe try to comfort her.
but i back away and have a horrified look on my face.
'no.' i say, as silver tears run down my face.
i look at Zita and she has purple tears, Febe has her green tears and Stan blue tears.
i try to pull myself together, but i'm frozen to the ground.

i can't move.
we failed, we all failed.
i think.
how could this have happened?
we were supposed to keep them safe and now, they are all dead.
because of us.
because we were to scared to stay with the organisation.
i feel that i can move again and i walk to Zita and the rest and embrace them.
'it's okay, it's okay, we can fix this.' i say.
'we still have each other.' Febe wimpers.

sorry i haven't posted in a while
i had exams and i was very tiered
and all the holidays and stuff
i know it's all very confusing
i'm tiered and sick so the chapters don't make much sense now
but i'll be back on track
i think the story will have 10 to 15 more chapters
i hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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