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(yn)'s p.o.v.

i walk into my room and close the door.
'okay am i the only one who wants to know what the deus initiatif is?' i ask.
everyone nods their heads.
everyone except Vic.
'Vic?' i look at him. 'i know what it is.' he says.
he pulls another file out of his jacket.
he opens it and reads it out loud.
'five kids were chosen to become gods, they will have the most experiments done on them in the entire organisation. they will not be put on the field until we know they are completely in our control.' he says.

'that's it.' he closes the file.
'so that's why we had so many experiments.' Zita says.
'we were chosen when we were born.' i keep silent, and Vic notices,
'(yn) what's wrong?' he asks.
'he did this to his own kids.' i say.
'what?' Febe asks.
'Daminet, he knew how painful the experiments were but he still did it to his own kids!!' i yell.
everyone seems to understand and looks at the ground.

'wait, wait , wait.' Vic says out of the blue.
'do they know we have powers?' he asks, referring to the superheroes downstairs.
we shake our heads no.
'what happens when they find out?' he asks.
'they're not supposed to find out.' i say.
'these people are all geniuses, believe me, they will find out.' Zita says.
'but not now.' Febe says.
we all stand there i silence.

'they're gonna become suspicious if we stay up here any longer, we should go downstairs.' i say and i walk out of my room.
i walk down the stair and everyone follows.
'so is everything that needed to be talked about, talked about?' Cisco asks.
'ya Cisco.' i say.
'(yn), we need to tell you something.' Caitlyn says.
for some reason, i suspect it's not good news.
'what is it.' i ask, we're still standing on the stairs.

'all your friends are here, safe, and since you didn't take our offer for adoption, we need to give you all to ARGUS.' i stumble up the stairs.
'wait, it's not like we didn't take the offer, Zita arrived we didn't have a chance to answer.' i say.
'wait they offered to adopt us?' Zita says.
'yes.' we all say fast.
'(yn), you and your friends are all really nice, but we have seen your behavior, and we don't think it's safe to let you into the world.' Barry says.

'wait, so you wanted to adopt us, and now you want to give us to the goverment.' Zita says.
'is it just me or doesn't that add up.' she says.
'no it's not you ,i'm thinking the same thing.'i look at Oliver suspicious.
'the superheroes i know would never do that.'
i take one of my knives and throw it at Oliver.
the second it hits him, the camouflage dissapears and, surprise, Daminet is standing in front of us.
all the other soldiers their camouflage dissapears to.

'run, RUN!' i yell and we run up the stairs.
staying in the house is not the best option, so i open the window and tell my friends to jump out.
it's not the first time so they obey.
we run onto the gras and see the real superheroes standing in the yard.
they see us and run to us.
Daminet and his soldiers jump out the window as well and the superheroes stop running.
Daminet takes a gun, but not just a gun, a plasma gun.
that will kill us in a second.

'you know Vic i'm very hurt that you ran away. didn't i treat you right?' he fake pouds.
'screw you!' Vic yells.
'and (yn), my dear daughter, even with the mask on, you cared for me right.' he yells at me as the plasma blast starts to form.
'go to hell!' i yell at him.
'kids get outta there.' Oliver yells.
at that exact moment Daminet's head shoots in Oliver's direction.
'they seem to care a lot about you.' and with that he aimed the plasma gun at the superheroes.

everything from there is in slowmotion.
i run to the superheroes, thinking about what i'm about to do and how it will affect our lives, but i can't just let him kill them.
my eyes glow silver and i jump in front of the superheroes.
the plasma blast is fiered, and with my silver auras, i make a shield to stop it.

when the blast dissapears, i point my hand at the gun and silver auras flow to the plasma gun and shatter it.
'guys now, it doesn't matter, take them out with your powers!!' i yell.
they hesitate, but do what i ask them.
Zita attacked to soldier with her purple auras and within five seconds they're knocked on the floor.
Febe uses her green auras and knocks out three soldiers.

Stan uses his blue auras to knock out the rest of the soldiers, so only Daminet is left now.
we all have our auras surrounding us, flowing from our hands all over our bodies.
we walk to Daminet, but he doesn't seem scared.
the superheroes are just watching, dumbfounded.
Daminet chuckled.
'what are you laughing about, we got you.' Vic says as his black auras surround him.

'do you?' Daminet asks.
his eyes start to glow red and blood red auras surround him.
we're all taken aback by this, cause we didn't know he had powers.
with his powers he trows us into the air and then to the ground.
we all lie there, groaning in pain.
Daminet laughes.
'stupid little children, if you think you can take me, think again.' he says.
'you're not ready for what's about to come. not ready at all.' with that, he dissapears into thin air.

we all stand up groaning, leaning on each other so we don't fall.
'we fucked up.' Febe says.
'i'm sorry.' i say.
'no (yn), it's not your fault, we didn't have a choice.' Stan says.
i nod.
then something hits me.
i look up and the superheroes are still standing there, dumbfounded.
'they know.' everyone looks up.
they all look shocked and repeat in unision 'they know.'
then i say something before the superheroes walk up to us.
'we're fucked.'

i just couldn't wait
i needed to give you the information
they know
i know i didn't talk much about the power thing but ya
if something isn't clear yet, just ask me i'll explain it to you
hope you like it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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