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(yn)'s p.o.v

i drop the mask and look at him in disbelieve.
i walk up to him and see Febe saw him to.
a tear runs down my face.
he lookes confused.
'how do you know my name?' he says.
but then turns away and runs.
i'm spiked to the ground, i can't move.

then it hits me, and i break down.
i fall to my knees and silver tears run down my face.
Febe runs up to me and hugs me.
all the other superheroes do to.
'what happened?' i hear Oliver say.
but i can't answer, i just can't.
it hurts so much.
'he was alive ' i sob 'he was alive and didn't fucking save him.' Febe is crying to.
'it's not your fault.' she says.

i get up and run into the woods.
i hear them yelling my name but i don't listen and keep running.
i keep running until i'm on a field.
i let go and silver auras suround me.
you didn't think 311 experiments wouldn't give me powers.
as i was saying, i let go and am surrounded by silver auras.
they start spinning around me and my eyes are glowing silver.
my breathing is heavy, until i just can't.

i drop to my knees (again) and scream at the top of my lungs.
everything around me turns to ash as the auras who have been spinning at a high rate speed, explode.
the entire field and a few trees die in the process.
and then i just fall down completely and pass out, out of real excaustion.

Oliver's p.o.v.

we watch as she runs into the woods.
'(yn) wait!!!' Caitlyn yells.
'leave her.' Febe says.
'why she is obviously not in any state to be alone right now.' Caitlyn says.
'she needs time, ALONE!' Febe says stern.
'who was that?' Cisco asks.
Febe looks down and wipes a tear away.
'that was Vic.' she says.
'wait Vic? the best friend who died.'
Wells says.
'well obviously he isn't dead!' Febe yells.

'you guys don't know her like i do. she need time now, so we go back to the mansion and wait there.' She says.
so we walk back to the mansion and sit on the couch.
Felicity runs in
'what happened?' she asks.
'way to long to explain.' Febe says.
'i know i don't have any right to ask this' doctor Stein asks.
'but why did she break down like that.' he asks.

Febe sighes.
'his 'dead' hit us all really hard, but it hit her the hardest' she says
'she tried to jump after him but was restrained by other soldiers.' a tear runs down her face.
'the screams were bloodrenching, she kept screaming his name.
they gave her 3 shots of morphine, nothing helped, they dragged her to the torture room and tortured her for a whole night. when she came out she didn't talk to anyone for 2 weeks, when she finally started talking the first thing she said was ''we need to get out of here'' and that's exactly what we did' Febe said.

'we tried to comfort her but she still blames herself. and now that she knows he is still alive, she blames herself even more.' Febe says.
she sighes and wipes her tears.
'how do we know she's not gonna do something stupid?' Barry asks.
'because that's not how (yn) works when she's sad, she needs to be alone and think, then she'll come back and be alone even more. don't expect her to talk much the next days.' Febe gets up from the couch and walks up stairs.

'these kids have had more bad things happen to them then anyone in this room, and no one wants to help them, we are literally keeping them from ARGUS ,what happens when her friends are safe, what are we gonna do then, we can't just give her to ARGUS.' Oliver says
'we're not gonna do that.' Sarah says.
everyone looks confused until she speaks up again.
'i want to adopt them.' she says.
without missing a beat the says
'who's in?' and everyone puts their hand up.
'guess we're going to adopt some little gangsters.' she says.

new part
omg (yn) does have powers
shocker (not)
i don't know if i'm gonna post tommorow
i have to learn for my math exam
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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