number one arrives

398 9 0

(yn)'s p.o.v.

i woke up by someone stroking my cheek.
'it's time to wake up.' i hear Caitlyn say.
'five more minutes.' i say and i turn over.
'(yn) we need to talk about what happened.' and then i remember what happened last night and i get up quickly.
'let's go and discuss this while eating.' she says.
we walk down and when we enter the living room everyone is already eating.

i stop in the doorway.
i turn around and face Caitlyn
'i can't do this.' i tell her.
'hey it's okay you don't have to tell is everything, just in big lines.'
she puts her hands on my shoulders and guides me to the table.
i sit down and take the applejuice.
'so, what happened?' Oliver says.
i look at the cup i have in my hand and sigh.
'um' i start 'i had a panick attack.'
i say.
'ya we noticed that' Wells says and Caitlyn slaps his arm.

'why did you have one.' Barry asks.
should i tell them
'(yn)?' Cisco asks.
i see my hands are shaking and the glass is breaking.
i put the glass on the table.
'um' i hesitated but decided i should tell them.
'a year ago, my best friend died' i start and they look taken aback.
'we were on a boat and we were on the deck to go to our cabins when'
i stopped myself cause i could feel the tears coming.

i wipe them away fast and inhale sharply.
'when a big wave hit, i was saved by the railing but he went over.'
a silver tear runs down my face and i wipe it away.
' i failed to save him, the voices started.' i say and my hands are shaking again.
'they would come at random times and i would not be able to keep myself from um' i stop myself again and sigh

'i would't be able to stop myself from killing at least 5 to 10 people. and the voices came at least three times a week so, i was the reason they were understaffed, and we could escape.'
i sigh and wipe away my tears.
'another question, why do you have silver tears?' Oliver asks.
'after 311 experiment your body fluids become a different color.'
i say.
'we're sorry about your friend.' Caitlyn says.
'that's what happens in this kind of business.' i shrug.

before we could say anything else, the ground starts to shake all of a sudden.
'what's happening?' Oliver says and i look out the window.
i see a bright light starting to form above the grass.
i stand up and run outside.
by the time i'm on the grass the light became bigger and clouds are forming around the light.
that's when i recognize it as a portal.
the superheroes are standing right behind me.

'it's a portal.' i say.
the light is now bigger then me.
i take my earrings out.
i'm kind off a scientist so i made nanotech daggers and hid them in my earrings.
the nanotech appears and i hold up my daggers as i carefully walk to the portal.
someone falls out and i raise my daggers, but drop them when i see who it is.


again i'm using names of classmates
again i live in belgium so the names are pronounced differently
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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