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(yn)'s p.o.v.

'i'll show you to your room.' thea says.
'thanks thea.' i say, and we walk up the stairs.
i look at the paintings on the wall, they remind me of the paintings in the base.
we walk into a room as big as 4 rooms in the organisation.
'sure this isn't a mansion on itself?' i ask thea with a snicker.
'you gonna be good?' she says.
'ya i'll be fine.' and she walks out the room.

i flop down on the bed and it's so soft.
i almost fall asleep but i need to put my clothes in place.
while i'm busy unpacking my stuff i hear a tud on my window.
i go and look but there is no one there.
i go back to unpack.
bit after a few minutes i hear another tud.

i go and look again but before i can look out the window a figure crashes into my room.
he's wearing a black suit and a mask that covers his nose and mouth.
'who are you?' i say.
he doesn't answer, and charges at me.
i dodge and jump over the couch.
he takes a dagger but before i can take mine he puts it on my throat.
i try to take it away but he puts ly hand behind my back.

the superheroes barge into my room and see me standing with a knife to my throat.
'let her go.' Oliver says.
again he doesn't answer.
i try to get away but he presses the knife deeper into my throat and a feel a warm fluid trickling down my neck.
only way to get out, kick in the crotch.
so that's what i do.

i kick him in the crotch and he stumbles back.
'bitch.' he says.
'oh he speaks.' i say, i feel my neck and of course, surprise surprise, it's silver, cause that 's what happens when you have 311 experiments.
he tries to punch me again but i put my hand up.

'um you're in the mansion full of superheroes, i think the best move is to run and come back another time.'
he seemes to take my advise and jump out the window.
i fall to my knees and grab my neck.
they all run at me.
'i'm fine, i swear, don't worry.' that's the last thing i say before i pass out.

i know it's a short part
i don't have much time
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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