troubled kids

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Vic's p.o.v.

we walk into the destroyed mansion.
people are already cleaning everything up and the living room is unharmed.
(yn) is explaining how we got back, and everyone is all ears.
we want to walk into the living room, but are stopped by two guys in black suits.
all our eyes glow, but not because we're mad, just to scare them for fun.
'kids, can you go to your room while we talk to mrs, Waller?' Sarah says.
we all nod.

Stan is asking me about the mind palace and the girls are freaking out over (yn)'s dress.
we walk into her room and sit on the couches.
'how could you have possibly escaped???' Febe asks.
'well' i start 'Daminet helped us.' i say.
they all looked shocked.
'why would he help you, he just killed you.' Zita says.
'wauw never thought that sentence would leave my mouth.' she shrugged.

'he told us the reason why he did what he did, and since he was dead, he didn't really have a reason to fight us.' (yn) says.
'what was the reason?' Stan asks.
we explain everything, from our mothers dying wish, to why he went so far to get us back.
'he just wanted us back, since we were the only thing he had left.' i say.
everyone just gapped with open mouths and didn't say anything.
'he was the worst dad ever, but he did it for a reason, i'm not saying what he did was right, but he just wanted his family.' (yn) says.

we hear a knock on my door and Caitlyn walks in.
'hey kids, you can come down now.' she says.
we rush downstairs and race into the living room.
Amanda Waller is shaking Oliver's hand.
'what's going on?' i ask.
everyone looks at us and Oliver smiles.
'we made a deal with ARGUS.' he says.
i already think of the worst case scenario.

that they're giving us to ARGUS.
'don't worry we're not giving you to ARGUS.'
thank god
'We told Amanda that, in the time you were with us, we have bonded, and the best way to keep you in check, was letting you stay here.' he says.
'what?!' i'm really confused.
'so we're doing what we said we would do, once this was all over.' Barry says.
'we're adopting you.' our mouths hang open in shock.

'ADOPTING!!???' me and (yn) yell in unision.
'at least if that's okay with you guys.' Cisco says.
'it does include you guys getting new last names.' Wells says.
we look at each other, and then run to the superheroes and catching them in an embrace.
'that would be awesome.' we all say.
'so' mrs. Waller says 'i got the adoption papers here, you kids choose your new guardian.' we look at the superheroes.
Zita runs to Caitlyn, Stan to Harisson and Febe to Sarah.

i look at (yn) and then nod to Oliver.
she nods his head and we walk over to Oliver.
'it would be an oner if you wanted to adopt us.' we say.
'of course.' he hugs us and we walk over to the adoption papers.
we all sign and Amanda closes the map.
'now, i'm happy to anounce you (yn) and Vic Queen, Febe Lance, Zita Snow and Stan Wells.' she says with a smile and we all embrace our new parents.

'BUT' she says stern and we turn to her 'if you try to hurt anyone with your powers, you will be escorted to ARGUS, so the only rule is, is that you will be recruited to be the next legends.' she says.
'legends?' we ask.
'that's our teams combined, team flash and team arrow.' Oliver says.
we all smile and nod our heads.
'wow people, we went from kids destroying city's' i say 'to the legends of tomorrow .' (yn) finishes.

we all laugh.
'BUT' Zita impersonated Amanda 'we will always be' she puts her fist out in the middle of the circle.
we put out fists with hers and say together
'THE TROUBLED KIDS!!!!' we cheer and clap and laugh, and i think we finally found our place in the world.

hellloooo people
this is the last chapter
tomorrow i'm posting the epilogue
i already have a new story in line
i hope you liked it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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