the guy in the mask

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(yn)'s p.o.v.

*2 weeks later*

i've been trying to hack into this computer for 2 weeks now.
this thing is harder to hack into then the pentagon.
if i hack into this computer, i may find out who the masked guy is.
but, that's not the only thing that's been bothering me today.
it is a rather bad day for me today.
a day i'd rather not remember.

'(yn) food's ready.' Oliver yells .
i put away the computer and run down the stairs.
the food doesn't interest me, i'm not hungry.
how would you be if your best friend died a year ago.
that's right, my best friend died.
that's why we escaped.
'don't you like it.' Cailtyn asks.
'um i'm just not hungry, sorry.' i feel my phone buzzing and look at it.
'no phones at the table.' Barry says.

but i don't listen.
it is my security system, and it's saying someone is in my room.
i look at the hidden camera and see
the masked guy.
he's looking for something.
'oh the hell you are.' i stand up and run to my room.
i kick open the door and he has the computer in his hands.
i trow a knive at his hand and he drops the computer.
'i thought i was clear last time.' bit before i can do something he charges at me.

i dodge and punch back.
he kicks me in the gut and i run in the hallway but he follows and teips me.
i fall down the first pair of stairs and he jumps after me.
i stand up and punch again.
he dodges and tries to punch but i pull his hair.
that was a bad idea, cause we both lose balance and fall over the railing,
10 feet on a wooden table.

at this point the superheroes are watching and look shocked.
i stand up but my vision is hasy and i almost lose balance again.
with the vision i have i see that the masked guy is experiencing the same.
i try to punch but i lose balance and fall again.
the superheroes help me up but i see the masked guy already ran up the stairs again.

i run after him but when i enter my room he jumps out the window and dissapears into the night, with the computer in his hand.
'FUCK!' i punch my wall and see i busted my knuckles open.
'hey calm down.' Sarah says.
'how am i supposed to calm down when he just took my only tracking point, i was almost there.' i kick my chair and it falls to the ground.
'this day is fucking cursed.' a tear runs down my face.

'just leave me alone for a second please.' i say.
'GO!' i yell when they don't move and they all leave my room and clos the door.
that's when i break down and start crying.

i don't have much to say so
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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