back together again

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Vic's p.o.v.

when everyone went to the gates to leave and attack the last location,
i started packing my bags.
clothes, the file about the deus initiatif, and the file about my powers and what they do.
when i knew everyone was gone, i went to the garage, sat on my motorcycle and drove away.
i set my gps and the ride would be 3 hours.
i drove into the woods and thought about what i was gonna say.
they're not just gonna let me into their lives again.

i thought.
are they going to lock me up?
i asked myself.
i wouldn't blame them though.
i tried to kill them multiple times.
i was so deep in thought that i didn't even notice myself driving onto the driveway.
i stepped off of my bike and walked to the door.
i waited at the doorhandel and thought about it again.
what if they don't want me in their lives anymore?

but i pushed that thought away and put my hand on the handel.
it was unlocked, so there was no way back now.
i walked into the house and the hall only was as large as the cafeteria in the base.
i walked towards the voiced and stopped at the door.
'is he brainwashed?' i heard someone ask.
'ya we think so, why?' someone else responded.

'when i was on a trip in Egypt, i met a scientist who thought me a way to snap someone out of brainwashing, without hurting them.' the first person responded.
they're talking about me.
'so we can make him remember?' someone said.
i decided this was my time.
'i'm afraid that won't be necessary.' i said.
everyone's head shot to me and the (yhc) haired girl eyes grew wide.

she stood up extremely fast.
she looked shocked.
this was (yn).
she walked to me and swallowed.
'hey.' i said timidly.
'hey?' she said with a shaking voice 'that's all you have to say?' she says a bit louder.
'you died, and then you were brainwashed into killing me!' she yelled and silver tears stream down her face.
'how do i even know you're not brainwashed now?' she cries.

'because i'm not.' i don't even know how to convince her.
'you don't even know!!!' she yells.
'i saw you die' she yells and she pushes me 'i watched you die and i was tortured because i tried to save you.' she pushes me again as more tears run down her face.
'and you can't even give me a reason, to know if you're really you.' she tries to push me again but i take her wrist and pull her into a hug.
she tries to fight back but stops when she knows she can't get lose.

she puts her arms around me and cries into my chest.
'i'm sorry, i'm sorry' i say in a shaky voice and a black tear runs down my face.
'i didn't know who you were but you made remember' i say 'you made me remember, tenebris angelus.'
i say, she smiles and that's how i know she still knows the nickname.
'i'm so happy you're back, lux daemonium.' i smile at the nickname.
i pull away and smile at her.

i look at the kids behind her and walk to them and give them a hug too.
(yn) joints the hug and i wisper
'i missed you guys so much.'
they all pull away and i smile
'i don't remember us being such crybabies.' we all snicker.
everyone had tears in their eyes now.
'we missed you man.' Stan said.
'i missed you to.' then i remember the file.
'guys i have something to show you.'

the troubled kids back together again
vic and (yn) are not in a romantic relationship just to be clear
hope you like it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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