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(yn)'s p.o.v.

those genoxes are way better then i thought.
they're though.
i didn't pay attention for one second when i was pushed back by a plasma blast right through the door.
my nose was bleeding, when Vic ran to me.
fuck he escaped
he helps me up
'what are you doing here?' i ask him.
'helping you.' he says.
he looks at the commotion outside.
'let's show dear old dad we have the same fire he has.' he says.

i wipe my nose and we walk outside again.
'ah now my two children are fighting against me.' Daminet yells.
my eyes glow silver
'you have NO right to call yourself our dad!' i yells.
'oh that hurts my heart ,little one.' he puts his hand on his chest.
we walk down the steps and we look at the thousands of soldiers in front of us.

'how are we gonna do this?' Vic says.
'together.' i say and we walk to the soldiers and they attack.
they run to us and try to attack us.
we blast them with our auras and try to lead them away from the rest of our friends.
'common, my twins, show me what you got and i may let you keep your memories!' our dad yells.
that makes me even angrier.
i blast all the soldiers who are in my way, out of the way.

the vains under my eyes slowly start to glow and i blast my dad of the truck he's standing on.
he gets up really fast and i see Vic doing the same thing i did.
his eyes are glowing bright red and he looks really angry.
'i gave you everything, the power to rule worlds, and this is the thanks i get!!' he yells.
'we never asked to have these powers, we just wanted to be normal kids but you took that away!!!' Vic yells and the vains under his eyes turn black.

'you only gave us these powers so you could rule the world, you never for a second thought about what we wanted!!!' i yelled, my eyes turned glowing white and Vic's turned black.
the red auras surround my dad and our hands produce white and black auras.
'children, i have had these powers sinds i was 21 and now i'm 45, i knew the things you had to go through were painful but i thought that, because you were my children, you would be able to take it!!!' he yells.

'it's not because we were able to take the pain, that we wanted to take it!!!' Vic yelled.
'ya what he said!!' i yelled.
'you know, what i learned while doing this, is your own memories don't do anything to you. but when you see someone else's, it will hurt you!!!' our dad walked over to us.
'what is that supposed to mean!!?' we asked in unision.
'it means that, i know how to break you, even though you think, there's nothing that can.' he says.
his auras come to our heads and we try to run but we can't.

with that a flashback from Vic plays in my head.
i scream in pain and sadness when i find out which memory it is.
it's the one from him in the water.
i can feel is fear and his pain, his sadness and i can hear what he's thinking.
'(YN) HELP ME PLEASE AGGGHHH!!!!!' he wanted to scream but he couldn't.
silver tears ran down my face as i screamed in pain.
at that moment the superheroes from the lab run onto the lawn.
but i don't look up, i just scream at the top of my lungs

Vic's p.o.v.

when the red auras came to our heads, we tried to run.
but they were to fast.
a flashback started playing in my head, but it wasn't mine.
it was (yn)'s.
when i saw which memorie it was, i screamed in pain.
'VIC NOOOOO!!!!' she screamed.
people were holding her back and shot her with something.
morphine i think, cause i start to feel tiered, but she keeps screaming.
'LET ME GO I CAN SAVE HIME LET ME GO PLE-E-EASE.' she sobbed and black tears ran down my face.

i screamed as i felt everything she was feeling.
sadness, grieve, pain, like she lost a part of herself.
i looked as they dragged her to the torture room and started torturing her to calm her down.
she was screaming, but it wasn't because of the pain, it was because of me.
'AAAAGAGGHHHHHH!!!!' i scream in pain.
i see Oliver and the rest running out of the house and looks of horror spread on her face when they saw all the soldiers around us and our father tormenting us with our worst memories.

I WILL ALWAYS WIN, YOU ARE JUST SOME KIDS WHO THINK THEY CAN DEFEAT THE ORIGINAL, THE ONE WHO STARTED IT ALL!!!!!' he yelled as we fell to our knees holding our hair and screaming in pain.
he came to me and took my chin in his hand so i was looking him in the eyes with black tears all over my face, still yelping in pain.

'see, Vic whatever you do, i wil always win, and she' he points to (yn) 'and you' he points at me 'will lose.' that's when i lose control completely, i scream and with a black aura i throw him 10 feet into the air.
(yn)'s shaking and wimpering when the red auras get out of her head.
'shhh, shhhh, it's okay.' i hug her and keep her close to my chest.
'i couldn't save you.' she says.
'it doesn't matter i'm here now.' i kiss her hair.
'aw look how cute.' i hear our father say.

at this time our eyes had stopped glowing, but now we were completely done with him.
our eyes were glowing and the vains under our eyes were glowing to.
we growled and our teeth started to grow.
our front tooth become pointy and then we roar at him.
our father looks taken aback by this action.
'common old man, can't do that can you.' and he couldn't, he didn't have a weerwolf form.
our claws were out, our eyes were glowing, and we were ready to kill this son of a bitch.

this is a really emotional chapter
i always think as these stories as movie scenes
and it could only be me, but if this scene would be in a real movie,
the theater would be trembling i think
what do you think?
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love you all❤️
mis geeky

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