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(yn)'s p.o.v.

it's just a word for some people.
but when you have experienced it, it's much more meaningful.
losing him, it was like someone stabbed me.
but finding out he was still alive,
ho that was much worse.
i stood up from the ground i had been lying for at least a few houres.
i was drained from all my power.
i was empty.
everything surrounding me was turned to ash or at least a bit destroyed.

i walk back to the mansion but dread going inside.
then the voices came again.
'you're the reason all the bad things happen to your friends.' the first one said.
but i didn't budge, i just stood there, with an emotionless expression.
'just go, leave, their lives will be much better without you.' the second one says. still no reaction.
just a single silver tear running down my face.
my hand was only and inch away from reaching the doorhandel.

'leave you're nothing to them.' the third voice says.
'maybe not to them' i say
'but i am something to my friends, and i will always protect them' i take a shaky breath
'even if it means ARGUS will take me afterwards.' i put my hand on the doorhandel and walk inside.
i was a wreck, my eyes were puffy and silver and i had cuts and bruises from the fight.

i heard the superheroes running my direction but i didn't say anything.
'(yn) we need to talk to you.' Sarah says.
but i ignore her and walk up the stairs.
i get to my room and lock the door.
i don't want to talk to anyone.
it just reminds me that i will eventually lose them one day.
it's inevitable, so why get close when i will run the second i saved my friends.
no emotional attachment.

*2 weeks later*

we're sitting at the table, eating, it's quiet, i haven't talked for 2 weeks.
like last time.
but this time Febe didn't seem to take it.
she slams her fist on the table.
'enough, you're gonna talk to us right now or god help me i will hurt you!' she yells.
i shrug my shoulder and eat my pizza.
'do you think you're the only one who lost him, i know you were closer to him but we were close to, we all lost him' she yells

'and on top of that it feels like we lost you to, you're not the same anymore,
you're locked inside your own castle of grief and forget about the people who are still alive!' that's it.
i slam my fist on the table and stand up.
'i risked my life to save you guys, i was almost taken by ARGUS but they let me stay here to make sure you were okay. AND YOU DARE TO SAY I FORGOT ABOUT YOU!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!' everyone is taken aback by my outburst.
but on top of that my eyes become a metalic like silver.

my entire eye is just silver.
i got no pupil, and no white, just silver.
'he's gone, he doesn't know us anymore, he will kill us the second he sees us, HIS BODY MAY STILL BE IN USE BUT VIC HIMSELF, MY BROTHER, IS GONE, AND WE'RE NOT GETTING HIM BACK!!!' i yell and i run out of the dining room before i do something i regret.
i sit on the porch and a silent tear runs down my face.
but then the ground starts to shake,
and i immediately know what is happening.

i haven't posted in a few days so i'm sorry
i hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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