battle scars

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(yn)'s p.o.v.

we went back to the mansion and sat before the tv.
Felicity, who arrived from a trip a few houres ago, is making popcorn and we're watching an indiana jones movie.
'this doesn't make any sense, that kind of venom would have killed him within seconds, he doesn't have the time to find an antidote(never seen the movie, just made this up)' Febe says.
'right.' i say and Felicity came with the popcorn.
'man it's warm here.' i take my sweater of and i'm in a crop top with spaghetti straps.
'hey what's that?' Felicity asks.
i look at where she's looking and see my huge scar.

'oh um' i say.
'well the organisation wanted us to fight opponents who were stronger then us, but they didn't want to seriously injure someone'
i explain.
'so they let us fight with animals, bears, wolves that kind of stuff. it's how i killed a bear but that wolf was in a bad mood.' i shrug.
'she was in the infermarry for 2 weeks cause it got infected.' Febe says.
'do you still have that lion bite?' i ask her.
'man he almost bit half my leg of.' she says.
we laugh.

but the laughing stops when we hear an explosion go of and see a big smoke cloud in the woods.
'three guesses who it is.' i say sarcastically.
we jump up and suit up.
we run into the woods and stop when we see army wagons with soldiers and guns.
in the middle, Daminet, of course.
behind him, surprise surprise, the masket guy.
'what a pleasant surprise.'
Daminet yells.
i don't have time to put up with his crap so i take my gun and shoot him in the leg.

'you didn't loose your aim that's for sure.' he laughs.
'go to hell.' i say.
'see you there then.' he gives a hand gesture to the masket guy and he comes at me.
'you take the rest, i'll deal with this.'
i walk up to him and he tries to punch me in the face.
i dodge and kick his leg.
he falls to the ground and i climb on top of him.
'i'd like to know if you speak english cause this would be the third time i tell you to STAY AWAY FROM ME!' i yell the last part.

he punches me in the gut and i get of him.
he takes his sword and i take mine.
the metal clashes against each other.
i kick him in the gut and he drops his sword.
he punches me and i lose balance.
i fall to the ground and this time he gets on top of me.
he puts his hands around my neck and starts to choke me.
i feel the air leaving my lungs and i start to get dizzy.

but then i see a strap at the back of his head.
the strap that is keeping his mask int place.
with on smooth move i unstrap it and it comes of.
he gets of me and i gasp for air.
i have the mask in my hand when i look at the person standing in front of me.
it's like someone shot a thousand bullets through me, cause i feel all the air i just breated in leaving my lungs again.
my eyes fill with tears as i say the name i thought i would never say to his face again


don't say you didn't see that coming
exam history tommorow
wish me luck
hope you like it
love you all
miss geeky❤️

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